Exact Match:
- trial balloon
- a balloon sent up to test air currents
- a test of public opinion
- barometer,
- bone of contention,
- catechism,
- cross-interrogatory,
- cross-question,
- debating point,
- demand,
- feeler,
- inquiry,
- interrogation,
- interrogative,
- interrogatory,
- issue,
- leader,
- leading question,
- moot point,
- pilot balloon,
- point at issue,
- point in question,
- probe,
- problem,
- query,
- question,
- question at issue,
- question mark,
- quodlibet,
- random sample,
- sample,
- sound,
- sounder,
- straw vote,
- topic,
- trial,
- vexed question,
- weather vane,
- weathercock