Exact Match:
- turnout
- (ballet) the outward rotation of a dancer's leg from the hip
- attendance for a particular event or purpose (as to vote in an election); "the turnout for the rally"
- a part of a road that has been widened to allow cars to pass or park
- the group that gathers together for a particular occasion; "a large turnout for the meeting"
- GNP,
- L,
- accouterments,
- apparatus,
- apparel,
- assemblage,
- assemblee,
- assembly,
- assignation,
- at home,
- attendance,
- audience,
- ball,
- box office,
- boycott,
- boycottage,
- branch,
- brawl,
- cable railway,
- caparison,
- caucus,
- clothing,
- cog railway,
- colloquium,
- commission,
- committee,
- conclave,
- concourse,
- congregation,
- congress,
- conventicle,
- convention,
- convocation,
- council,
- crowd,
- dance,
- date,
- diet,
- draw,
- dress,
- eisteddfod,
- el,
- electric railway,
- elevated,
- elevated railway,
- embankment,
- equipage,
- equipment,
- feeder,
- feeder line,
- festivity,
- fete,
- fittings,
- forgathering,
- forum,
- four-in-hand,
- frequence,
- frequenting,
- furnishings,
- gate,
- gathering,
- gear,
- get-together,
- getup,
- gravity-operated railway,
- gross national product,
- guise,
- harness,
- horse railway,
- housewarming,
- job action,
- junction,
- levee,
- light railroad,
- line,
- livery,
- lockout,
- main line,
- meet,
- meeting,
- metro,
- monorail,
- muster,
- number present,
- outfit,
- outlaw strike,
- output,
- pair,
- panel,
- party,
- plenum,
- product,
- production,
- prom,
- quorum,
- rack railway,
- rack-and-pinion railway,
- rail,
- rail line,
- railroad,
- railway,
- rally,
- randem,
- reception,
- rendezvous,
- revolt,
- rig,
- roadbed,
- roadway,
- rulebook slowdown,
- seance,
- session,
- setout,
- shindig,
- sick-in,
- sidetrack,
- siding,
- sit-down,
- sit-down strike,
- sit-in,
- sitting,
- slowdown,
- soiree,
- span,
- spike,
- spike team,
- street railway,
- streetcar line,
- strike,
- subway,
- switchback,
- sympathy strike,
- symposium,
- synod,
- tandem,
- team,
- terminal,
- terminus,
- things,
- three-up,
- throng,
- tie-up,
- track,
- tram,
- tramline,
- trappings,
- trestle,
- trolley line,
- trousseau,
- trunk,
- trunk line,
- tube,
- underground,
- unicorn,
- volume,
- walkout,
- wardrobe,
- wildcat strike,
- work stoppage,
- yield