giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation; "scandalous behavior"; "the wicked rascally shameful conduct of the bankrupt"- Thackeray; "the most shocking book of its time"
so exceedingly large or extensive as to suggest a giant or mammoth; "a gigantic redwood"; "gigantic disappointment"; "a mammoth ship"; "a mammoth multinational corporation"
given to excess in consumption of especially food or drink; "over-fed women and their gluttonous husbands"; "a gluttonous debauch"; "a gluttonous appetite for food and praise and pleasure"
presumptuously arrogant; "had a witty but overweening manner"; "no idea how overweening he would be"- S.V.Benet; "getting a little uppity and needed to be slapped down"- NY Times
freedom of choice; "liberty of opinion"; "liberty of worship"; "liberty--perfect liberty--to think or feel or do just as one pleases"; "at liberty to choose whatever occupation one wishes"
personal freedom from servitude or confinement or oppression
seemingly boundless in amount, number, degree, or especially extent; "unbounded enthusiasm"; "children with boundless energy"; "a limitless supply of money"
extraordinarily large in size or extent or amount or power or degree; "an enormous boulder"; "enormous expenses"; "tremendous sweeping plains"; "a tremendous fact in human experience; that a whole civilization should be dependent on technology"- Walter Lippman; "a plane took off with a tremendous noise"
not suitable for a particular occasion etc; "noise seems inappropriate at a time of sadness"; "inappropriate shoes for a walk on the beach"; "put inappropriate pressure on them"
not in keeping with what is correct or proper; "completely inappropriate behavior"