Exact Match:
- unoccupied
- not leased to or occupied by a tenant; "an unoccupied apartment"; "very little unclaimed and untenanted land"
- not held or filled or in use; "an unoccupied telephone booth"; "unoccupied hours"
- not seized and controlled; "unoccupied areas of France"
- abandoned,
- at leisure,
- at liberty,
- at loose ends,
- available,
- blank,
- blankminded,
- calm,
- deserted,
- disengaged,
- empty,
- empty-headed,
- fallow,
- fatuous,
- forsaken,
- free,
- godforsaken,
- idle,
- inane,
- incogitant,
- jobless,
- leisure,
- leisured,
- lumpen,
- nirvanic,
- oblivious,
- off,
- off duty,
- off work,
- open,
- otiose,
- out of employ,
- out of harness,
- out of work,
- passive,
- quietistic,
- relaxed,
- retired,
- semiretired,
- spare,
- tenantless,
- thoughtfree,
- thoughtless,
- tranquil,
- unemployable,
- unemployed,
- unfilled,
- unideaed,
- uninhabited,
- unintellectual,
- unmanned,
- unpeopled,
- unpopulated,
- unreasoning,
- unstaffed,
- untaken,
- untenanted,
- untended,
- unthinking,
- vacant,
- vacuous