Exact Match:
- urge
- a strong restless desire; "why this urge to travel?"
- an instinctive motive; "profound religious impulses"
- force or impel in an indicated direction; "I urged him to finish his studies"
- accelerate,
- admonish,
- advise,
- advocate,
- affirm,
- allege,
- appetite,
- appetition,
- apply pressure,
- ardor,
- argue,
- ask,
- assert,
- automatic response,
- beg,
- beseech,
- beset,
- besiege,
- blandish,
- blind impulse,
- brain wave,
- brainstorm,
- brook no denial,
- bug,
- bundle,
- bustle,
- buttonhole,
- cajole,
- call on,
- call upon,
- caution,
- charge,
- cheer on,
- coax,
- compulsion,
- concupiscence,
- constrain,
- constraint,
- contend,
- counsel,
- craving,
- crowd,
- curiosity,
- demand,
- desideration,
- desire,
- dispatch,
- drive,
- drive on,
- dun,
- eagerness,
- egg on,
- encourage,
- enjoin,
- entreat,
- exert pressure,
- exhort,
- exigency,
- expedite,
- expostulate,
- fancy,
- fantasy,
- flash,
- fleeting impulse,
- force,
- forward,
- goad,
- goad on,
- gut response,
- haste,
- hasten,
- hasten on,
- hie on,
- high-pressure,
- hold,
- hope,
- horme,
- hound on,
- hunger,
- hurry,
- hurry along,
- hurry on,
- hurry up,
- hustle,
- hustle up,
- impel,
- impetus,
- importune,
- impulse,
- impulsion,
- incentive,
- incite,
- induce,
- influence,
- insist,
- insist on,
- insist upon,
- inspiration,
- instinct,
- intellectual curiosity,
- involuntary impulse,
- issue a caveat,
- itch,
- jawbone,
- libido,
- lobby,
- longing,
- lust,
- lust for learning,
- maintain,
- mind,
- motive,
- move,
- nag,
- nag at,
- natural impulse,
- need,
- needle,
- notion,
- passion,
- persist,
- persuade,
- pester,
- pinch,
- plague,
- plead with,
- pleasure,
- pleasure principle,
- ply,
- preach,
- precipitate,
- press,
- pressure,
- prevail upon,
- prick,
- prod,
- prompt,
- propel,
- provoke,
- push,
- push on,
- push through,
- quick hunch,
- quicken,
- railroad through,
- rash impulse,
- recommend,
- reflex,
- remonstrate,
- request,
- root on,
- rush,
- rush along,
- set forth,
- set on,
- sexual desire,
- shove,
- sic,
- soft-soap,
- solicit,
- speed,
- speed along,
- speed on,
- speed up,
- spring,
- spur,
- spur on,
- stampede,
- stand on,
- state,
- stick to,
- stress,
- sudden thought,
- suggest,
- sway,
- sweet-talk,
- take no denial,
- talk into,
- tease,
- thirst,
- thirst for knowledge,
- urge on,
- urgency,
- want,
- wanting,
- warn,
- wheedle,
- whip,
- whip along,
- whip on,
- will,
- will and pleasure,
- wish,
- wish fulfillment,
- work on,
- yearning,
- yen