temperament or disposition; "a person of hot blood"
the fluid (red in vertebrates) that is pumped by the heart; "blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and carries waste products away"; "the ancients believed that blood was the seat of the emotions"
people viewed as members of a group; "we need more young blood in this organization"
smear with blood, as in a hunting initiation rite, where the face of a person is smeared with the blood of the kill
a plant having a life cycle that normally takes two seasons from germination to death to complete; flowering biennials usually bloom and fruit in the second season
having a life cycle lasting two seasons; "a biennial life cycle"; "parsnips and carrots are biennial plants often grown as annuals"
occurring every second year; "they met at biennial conventions"
having or showing great excitement and interest; "enthusiastic crowds filled the streets"; "an enthusiastic response"; "was enthusiastic about taking ballet lessons"