Exact Match:
- victimize
- punish unjustly
- deprive of by deceit; "He swindled me out of my inheritance"; "She defrauded the customers who trusted her"; "the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change"
- make a victim of; "I was victimized by this con-man"
- bamboozle,
- beat,
- beguile of,
- beset,
- bilk,
- bleed,
- bleed white,
- bully,
- bunco,
- burn,
- cheat,
- chisel,
- chouse,
- chouse out of,
- circumvent,
- clip,
- cog,
- cog the dice,
- con,
- cozen,
- crib,
- deceive,
- defraud,
- diddle,
- do in,
- do out of,
- dupe,
- elude,
- euchre,
- evade,
- exploit,
- finagle,
- flam,
- fleece,
- flimflam,
- fob,
- foil,
- fool,
- frustrate,
- fudge,
- get around,
- get round,
- give the runaround,
- give the slip,
- go after,
- go one better,
- gouge,
- gull,
- gyp,
- harass,
- harry,
- have,
- hoax,
- hocus,
- hocus-pocus,
- hold up,
- hoodwink,
- hound,
- hunt,
- immolate,
- molest,
- mulct,
- oppress,
- outfigure,
- outflank,
- outfox,
- outgeneral,
- outguess,
- outmaneuver,
- outplay,
- outreach,
- outsmart,
- outwit,
- overcharge,
- overprice,
- overreach,
- overtax,
- pack the deal,
- pass the buck,
- persecute,
- pick on,
- pigeon,
- practice fraud upon,
- prey on,
- profiteer,
- pursue,
- rook,
- scam,
- screw,
- sell gold bricks,
- shaft,
- shave,
- shortchange,
- skin,
- snooker,
- soak,
- stack the cards,
- stick,
- sting,
- stonewall,
- suck in,
- surcharge,
- swindle,
- take a dive,
- take advantage of,
- take in,
- thimblerig,
- throw a fight,
- torment,
- trick,
- use