Exact Match:
- violate
- destroy; "Don't violate my garden"; "violate my privacy"
- fail to agree with; be in violation of; as of rules or patterns; "This sentence violates the rules of syntax"
- abuse,
- adulterate,
- afflict,
- aggrieve,
- alloy,
- assault,
- assault sexually,
- attack,
- barbarize,
- batter,
- befoul,
- betray,
- bewitch,
- blight,
- breach,
- breach the law,
- break,
- break the law,
- brutalize,
- burn,
- butcher,
- canker,
- care naught for,
- carry on,
- cheapen,
- circumvent the law,
- coarsen,
- commit a crime,
- condemn,
- confound,
- contaminate,
- contravene,
- convert,
- corrupt,
- crucify,
- curse,
- damage,
- debase,
- debauch,
- deceive,
- defalcate,
- defile,
- deflorate,
- deflower,
- defy,
- degenerate,
- degrade,
- denature,
- deprave,
- desecrate,
- despoil,
- destroy,
- devalue,
- devirginate,
- disadvantage,
- dishonor,
- disobey,
- disobey the law,
- disregard,
- disregard the law,
- disserve,
- distort,
- distress,
- divert,
- do a mischief,
- do evil,
- do ill,
- do violence to,
- do wrong,
- do wrong by,
- doom,
- embezzle,
- envenom,
- err,
- flout,
- force,
- foul,
- get into trouble,
- go counter to,
- go on,
- hammer,
- harass,
- harm,
- hex,
- hurt,
- ignore,
- impair,
- infect,
- infract,
- infringe,
- injure,
- jinx,
- lay waste,
- lead astray,
- loot,
- maladminister,
- maltreat,
- maul,
- menace,
- misapply,
- misappropriate,
- misemploy,
- mishandle,
- mislead,
- mismanage,
- mistreat,
- misuse,
- molest,
- mug,
- not conform,
- not heed,
- not keep,
- not listen,
- not mind,
- not observe,
- offend,
- outrage,
- overpass,
- peculate,
- persecute,
- pervert,
- pilfer,
- pillage,
- play havoc with,
- play hob with,
- poison,
- pollute,
- possess sexually,
- prejudice,
- profane,
- prostitute,
- rage,
- ramp,
- rampage,
- rant,
- rape,
- ravage,
- rave,
- ravish,
- refuse to cooperate,
- riot,
- roar,
- ruin,
- sack,
- savage,
- scathe,
- scoff at,
- seduce,
- set at defiance,
- set at naught,
- set naught by,
- sin,
- slaughter,
- soil,
- sow chaos,
- spoil,
- storm,
- sully,
- taint,
- take,
- tear,
- tear around,
- terrorize,
- threaten,
- torment,
- torture,
- trample,
- trample on,
- trample underfoot,
- trample upon,
- transgress,
- trespass,
- twist,
- ulcerate,
- vandalize,
- violate the law,
- vitiate,
- vulgarize,
- warp,
- wound,
- wreak havoc on,
- wreck,
- wrong