Exact Match:
- viscosity
- resistance of a liquid to sheer forces (and hence to flow)
- adhesiveness,
- bullheadedness,
- clabbering,
- clamminess,
- closeness,
- clotting,
- coagulation,
- cohesiveness,
- colloidality,
- compactness,
- congestedness,
- congestion,
- consistence,
- consistency,
- crowdedness,
- curdling,
- denseness,
- density,
- doughiness,
- firmness,
- gelatinity,
- gelatinousness,
- gluelikeness,
- gluiness,
- glutinosity,
- glutinousness,
- gumlikeness,
- gumminess,
- hardness,
- heaviness,
- impenetrability,
- impermeability,
- imporosity,
- incompressibility,
- incrassation,
- inspissation,
- jammedness,
- jellification,
- jellylikeness,
- lentor,
- mucilaginousness,
- obstinacy,
- pastiness,
- persistence,
- persistency,
- relative density,
- retention,
- ropiness,
- slabbiness,
- sliminess,
- snugness,
- solidity,
- solidness,
- specific gravity,
- spissitude,
- stick-to-itiveness,
- stickiness,
- stodginess,
- stringiness,
- stubbornness,
- syrupiness,
- tackiness,
- tenaciousness,
- tenacity,
- thickening,
- thickness,
- tightness,
- toughness,
- treacliness,
- viscidity,
- viscousness