Exact Match:
- wear away
- diminish, as by friction; "Erosion wore away the surface"
- abate,
- ablate,
- abrade,
- abrase,
- absorb,
- abstract,
- assimilate,
- atomize,
- bark,
- bate,
- be all over,
- be consumed,
- be eaten away,
- be gone,
- be no more,
- become extinct,
- become void,
- bite,
- bleed white,
- blow over,
- break,
- break up,
- burn up,
- cave in,
- cease,
- cease to be,
- cease to exist,
- chafe,
- collapse,
- come apart,
- come unstuck,
- conk out,
- consume,
- consume away,
- corrode,
- crack up,
- crumble,
- crumble into dust,
- curtail,
- decay,
- decline,
- decompose,
- decrease,
- deduct,
- deliquesce,
- dematerialize,
- depart,
- deplete,
- depreciate,
- derogate,
- detract,
- die,
- die away,
- die out,
- digest,
- diminish,
- disappear,
- disintegrate,
- disjoin,
- disorganize,
- disparage,
- dispel,
- disperse,
- dissipate,
- dissolve,
- dive,
- do a fade-out,
- drain,
- drain of resources,
- dribble away,
- droop,
- drop,
- drop off,
- dwindle,
- eat,
- eat away,
- eat up,
- ebb,
- erase,
- erode,
- evanesce,
- evaporate,
- exhaust,
- exit,
- expend,
- expire,
- extract,
- fade,
- fade away,
- fade out,
- fail,
- faint,
- fall,
- fall away,
- fall off,
- fall to pieces,
- file,
- file away,
- finish,
- finish off,
- fission,
- fizzle out,
- flag,
- flee,
- fly,
- fray,
- frazzle,
- fret,
- gall,
- give out,
- give way,
- gnaw,
- gnaw away,
- go,
- go away,
- go downhill,
- go out,
- go soft,
- go to pieces,
- gobble,
- gobble up,
- grate,
- graze,
- grind,
- have it,
- have its time,
- hide,
- hit the skids,
- impair,
- impoverish,
- ingest,
- languish,
- lapse,
- leach,
- leave no trace,
- leave the scene,
- lessen,
- let up,
- melt,
- melt away,
- molder,
- pass,
- pass away,
- pass out,
- peg out,
- perish,
- peter out,
- pine,
- plummet,
- plunge,
- poop out,
- purify,
- rasp,
- raze,
- reduce,
- refine,
- remove,
- retire from sight,
- retrench,
- rub away,
- rub off,
- rub out,
- run its course,
- run low,
- run out,
- sag,
- scour,
- scrape,
- scrub,
- scuff,
- shorten,
- shrink,
- sink,
- sink away,
- skin,
- spend,
- split,
- squander,
- subduct,
- subside,
- subtract,
- suck dry,
- suffer an eclipse,
- swallow,
- swallow up,
- tail off,
- take away,
- take from,
- tatter,
- thin,
- thin out,
- use up,
- vanish,
- vanish from sight,
- wane,
- waste,
- waste away,
- weaken,
- wear,
- wear down,
- wear off,
- wear out,
- wear ragged,
- wear thin,
- weather,
- weed,
- wilt,
- withdraw,
- yield