Exact Match:
- whip
- a quick blow delivered with a whip or whiplike object; "the whip raised a red welt"
- an instrument with a handle and a flexible lash that is used for whipping
- (golf) the flexibility of the shaft of a golf club
- a dessert made of sugar and stiffly beaten egg whites or cream and usually flavored with fruit
- a legislator appointed by the party to enforce discipline
- strike as if by whipping; "The curtain whipped her face"
- thrash about flexibly in the manner of a whiplash; "The tall grass whipped in the wind"
- Ferris wheel,
- Jehu,
- MP,
- Member of Congress,
- Member of Parliament,
- accelerate,
- aerate,
- agitate,
- alderman,
- assemblyman,
- avert,
- bang,
- baste,
- bastinado,
- batter,
- beat,
- beat all hollow,
- beat hollow,
- beat up,
- belabor,
- belt,
- best,
- birch,
- blast,
- bludgeon,
- bowl down,
- box,
- buffet,
- bullwhacker,
- bundle,
- bustle,
- cabby,
- cabdriver,
- cabman,
- cage,
- cameleer,
- cane,
- carousel,
- carter,
- cartman,
- charioteer,
- chosen freeholder,
- churn,
- churn up,
- chute-the-chutes,
- chutes,
- city father,
- clabber,
- clobber,
- clot,
- club,
- coachman,
- coachy,
- coagulate,
- cocher,
- cochero,
- colloid,
- colloidize,
- congressman,
- congresswoman,
- conquer,
- convulse,
- cool,
- corral,
- councilman,
- cowhide,
- cream,
- crowd,
- cudgel,
- cuff,
- curdle,
- curry,
- cut,
- defeat,
- deflect,
- destroy,
- disarrange,
- discompose,
- dispatch,
- disquiet,
- disturb,
- divert,
- do in,
- drayman,
- drive,
- drive on,
- driver,
- drove,
- drub,
- dust,
- elephant driver,
- emulsify,
- emulsionize,
- excite,
- expedite,
- ferment,
- fix,
- flagellate,
- flail,
- flap,
- flog,
- floor leader,
- flurry,
- flying horses,
- foam,
- forward,
- fret,
- froth,
- fustigate,
- gad,
- gadfly,
- gharry-wallah,
- give a whipping,
- give the stick,
- goad,
- hack,
- hackman,
- hacky,
- hammer,
- harness racer,
- haste,
- hasten,
- hasten on,
- herd,
- hide,
- hie on,
- hors de combat,
- horsewhip,
- hurry,
- hurry along,
- hurry on,
- hurry up,
- hustle,
- hustle up,
- incrassate,
- inspissate,
- jell,
- jellify,
- jelly,
- knock,
- knout,
- lace,
- lambaste,
- larrup,
- lash,
- lather,
- lawgiver,
- lawmaker,
- lay on,
- legislator,
- lick,
- lopper,
- mahout,
- majority leader,
- mantle,
- maul,
- merry-go-round,
- minority leader,
- mop up,
- mule skinner,
- muleteer,
- needle,
- nudge,
- outclass,
- outdo,
- outfight,
- outgeneral,
- outmaneuver,
- outpoint,
- outrun,
- outsail,
- outshine,
- overcome,
- overrun,
- overwhelm,
- oxgoad,
- paddle,
- party whip,
- paste,
- patter,
- pelt,
- perturb,
- perturbate,
- pistol-whip,
- pivot,
- poke,
- pommel,
- pound,
- precipitate,
- press,
- prick,
- prod,
- pulverize,
- pummel,
- punch cattle,
- push,
- push on,
- push through,
- put,
- quicken,
- quirt,
- railroad through,
- rap,
- rawhide,
- reinsman,
- representative,
- ride herd on,
- rile,
- ripple,
- roil,
- roller coaster,
- roughen,
- round up,
- roundabout,
- rout,
- rowel,
- ruffle,
- ruin,
- rumple,
- rush,
- rush along,
- scourge,
- scum,
- seesaw,
- senator,
- settle,
- shake,
- shake up,
- sheer,
- shellac,
- shepherd,
- skin,
- skin alive,
- skinner,
- skunk,
- slap,
- sledgehammer,
- smack,
- smear,
- smite,
- smother,
- solon,
- spank,
- speed,
- speed along,
- speed up,
- spume,
- spur,
- stage coachman,
- stampede,
- state senator,
- steamroller,
- sting,
- stir,
- stir up,
- strap,
- stripe,
- subdue,
- sud,
- suds,
- swing,
- swinge,
- swirl,
- switch,
- teamster,
- teeter-totter,
- thicken,
- thrash,
- thresh,
- thump,
- trim,
- triumph over,
- trouble,
- trounce,
- truckman,
- truncheon,
- undo,
- upend,
- upset,
- urge,
- vanquish,
- veer,
- vetturino,
- voiturier,
- volte-face,
- wagoner,
- wagonman,
- wallop,
- wear out,
- whale,
- wheel,
- whip along,
- whip up,
- whiplash,
- whirl,
- whirligig,
- whisk,
- whomp,
- whop,
- work up,
- worst,
- wrangle,
- yerk