Exact Match:
- wisp
- a small tuft or lock; "wisps of hair"
- a flock of snipe
- a small bundle of straw or hay
- a small person; "a mere wisp of a girl"
- autoluminescence,
- bantam,
- banty,
- batch,
- bioluminescence,
- bunch,
- button,
- cathode luminescence,
- chemicoluminescence,
- chemiluminescence,
- chit,
- clump,
- cluster,
- copse,
- corposant,
- crop,
- crystalloluminescence,
- diminutive,
- double corposant,
- electroluminescence,
- fata morgana,
- featherweight,
- fingerling,
- fluorescence,
- fox fire,
- group,
- grouping,
- groupment,
- grove,
- hassock,
- ignis fatuus,
- knot,
- lightweight,
- lot,
- luciferase,
- luciferin,
- luminescence,
- luminophor,
- marshfire,
- mess,
- mini,
- minikin,
- minnow,
- minny,
- mouse,
- noctiluscence,
- nubbin,
- peewee,
- phosphor,
- phosphorescence,
- photoluminescence,
- pony,
- radioluminescence,
- runt,
- shock,
- shrimp,
- slew,
- slip,
- small fry,
- snip,
- snippet,
- stook,
- thermoluminescence,
- thicket,
- tit,
- tribofluorescence,
- triboluminescence,
- tribophosphorescence,
- tuft,
- tussock,
- wart,
- witch fire