Exact Match:
- wit
- a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter
- ESP,
- IQ,
- Italian hand,
- ability,
- acumen,
- acuteness,
- address,
- adeptness,
- adroitness,
- airmanship,
- alertness,
- apprehension,
- art,
- artfulness,
- artifice,
- artisanship,
- artistry,
- assume,
- astuteness,
- awareness,
- balance,
- banana,
- brain,
- brains,
- bravura,
- brilliance,
- burlesquer,
- cageyness,
- caliber,
- callidity,
- canniness,
- capability,
- capacity,
- caricaturist,
- clairvoyance,
- cleverness,
- clown,
- comedian,
- comic,
- command,
- competence,
- comprehension,
- conceit,
- conceive,
- conception,
- control,
- coordination,
- craft,
- craftiness,
- craftsmanship,
- cunning,
- cunningness,
- cutup,
- deductive power,
- deftness,
- dexterity,
- dexterousness,
- dextrousness,
- diplomacy,
- discernment,
- discrimination,
- divination,
- droll,
- efficiency,
- epigrammatist,
- esemplastic power,
- esprit,
- expertise,
- facility,
- fine Italian hand,
- finesse,
- foxiness,
- funnyman,
- gag writer,
- gagman,
- gagster,
- gamesmanship,
- gather,
- grace,
- grasp,
- gray matter,
- grip,
- guile,
- handiness,
- head,
- horsemanship,
- humor,
- humorist,
- ideation,
- imagine,
- ingeniousness,
- ingenuity,
- insidiousness,
- insight,
- integrative power,
- intellect,
- intellectual grasp,
- intellectual power,
- intellectualism,
- intellectuality,
- intelligence,
- intelligence quotient,
- inventiveness,
- ironist,
- jester,
- joker,
- jokesmith,
- jokester,
- keenness,
- know-how,
- knowledge,
- lampooner,
- lucidity,
- madcap,
- marbles,
- marksmanship,
- mastership,
- mastery,
- mental age,
- mental capacity,
- mental grasp,
- mental ratio,
- mentality,
- mind,
- mother wit,
- native wit,
- one-upmanship,
- parodist,
- penetration,
- perception,
- percipience,
- perspicacity,
- power of mind,
- practical ability,
- prankster,
- proficiency,
- prowess,
- prudence,
- punner,
- punster,
- quick-wittedness,
- quickness,
- quipster,
- rationality,
- readiness,
- reason,
- reasoning power,
- reckon,
- reparteeist,
- resource,
- resourcefulness,
- sagaciousness,
- sagacity,
- sageness,
- saneness,
- sanity,
- sapience,
- satanic cunning,
- satirist,
- savoir-faire,
- savvy,
- scope of mind,
- seamanship,
- sense,
- senses,
- sensing,
- sharpness,
- shiftiness,
- shrewdness,
- skill,
- skillfulness,
- slipperiness,
- slyness,
- smartness,
- sneakiness,
- sophistry,
- stealth,
- stealthiness,
- style,
- subtilty,
- subtleness,
- subtlety,
- suppleness,
- suppose,
- tact,
- tactfulness,
- technical brilliance,
- technical mastery,
- technical skill,
- technique,
- think,
- thinking power,
- timing,
- trickiness,
- understanding,
- virtuosity,
- wag,
- wagwit,
- wariness,
- wiles,
- wiliness,
- wisdom,
- wisecracker,
- witlessness,
- witling,
- wizardry,
- workmanship,
- zany