Exact Match:
- act
- something that people do or cause to happen
- a legal document codifying the result of deliberations of a committee or society or legislative body
- a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program; "he did his act three times every evening"; "she had a catchy little routine"; "it was one of the best numbers he ever did"
- a subdivision of a play or opera or ballet
- a manifestation of insincerity; "he put on quite an act for her benefit"
- behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself; "You should act like an adult"; "Don't behave like a fool"; "What makes her do this way?"; "The dog acts ferocious, but he is really afraid of people"
- pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind; "He acted the idiot"; "She plays deaf when the news are bad"
- discharge one's duties; "She acts as the chair"; "In what capacity are you acting?"
- play a role or part; "Gielgud played Hamlet"; "She wants to act Lady Macbeth, but she is too young for the role"; "She played the servant to her husband's master"
- perform on a stage or theater; "She acts in this play"; "He acted in `Julius Caesar'"; "I played in `A Christmas Carol'"
- perform an action, or work out or perform (an action); "think before you act"; "We must move quickly"; "The governor should act on the new energy bill"; "The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel"
- be engaged in an activity, often for no particular purpose other than pleasure
- be suitable for theatrical performance; "This scene acts well"
- accomplish,
- accomplished fact,
- accomplishment,
- achieve,
- achievement,
- acquit,
- act,
- act a part,
- act as,
- act as foil,
- act out,
- acta,
- acting,
- action,
- actions,
- activism,
- activity,
- acts,
- address,
- adventure,
- affect,
- affectation,
- afterpiece,
- air,
- ape,
- appear,
- assume,
- barnstorm,
- be effective,
- be in action,
- be productive,
- bear,
- bearing,
- behave,
- behavior,
- behavior pattern,
- behavioral norm,
- behavioral science,
- bill,
- bit,
- blow,
- bluff,
- bring about,
- bring into being,
- bring to fruition,
- bylaw,
- canon,
- carriage,
- carry,
- cause,
- characterize,
- chaser,
- come out,
- comport,
- comportment,
- concurrent resolution,
- conduct,
- constitution,
- copy,
- counterfeit,
- coup,
- course,
- cover up,
- culture pattern,
- curtain,
- curtain call,
- curtain raiser,
- custom,
- dealings,
- decree,
- deed,
- demean,
- demeanor,
- deport,
- deportment,
- dictate,
- dictation,
- discourse,
- dissemble,
- dissimulate,
- divertimento,
- divertissement,
- do,
- doing,
- doings,
- edict,
- effectuate,
- effort,
- emote,
- emotionalize,
- employment,
- enact,
- enaction,
- enactment,
- endeavor,
- engineer,
- enterprise,
- epilogue,
- execute,
- exercise,
- exode,
- exodus,
- exploit,
- expository scene,
- fait accompli,
- fake,
- feat,
- feign,
- finale,
- folkway,
- form,
- formality,
- formula,
- formulary,
- four-flush,
- function,
- functioning,
- gammon,
- gest,
- gestures,
- get top billing,
- go,
- go on,
- goings-on,
- guise,
- hand,
- handiwork,
- have effect,
- have free play,
- have play,
- hoke act,
- impersonate,
- industrialize,
- institution,
- interlude,
- intermezzo,
- intermission,
- introduction,
- job,
- joint resolution,
- jus,
- law,
- lawmaking,
- legislation,
- legislature,
- let on,
- let on like,
- lex,
- maintien,
- make,
- make a pretense,
- make as if,
- make believe,
- make like,
- maneuver,
- manner,
- manners,
- masquerade,
- masquerade as,
- mass-produce,
- measure,
- method,
- methodology,
- methods,
- mien,
- militate,
- mime,
- mimic,
- misbehave,
- modus vivendi,
- motion,
- motions,
- move,
- movements,
- moves,
- number,
- observable behavior,
- occupation,
- officiate,
- operate,
- operation,
- operations,
- ordinance,
- ordonnance,
- overproduce,
- overt act,
- pantomime,
- pass for,
- passage,
- passing,
- patter,
- pattern,
- percolate,
- perform,
- performance,
- perk,
- personate,
- play,
- play a part,
- play possum,
- play the lead,
- playact,
- poise,
- port,
- portray,
- pose,
- pose as,
- posture,
- practice,
- praxis,
- prescript,
- prescription,
- presence,
- pretend,
- pretend to be,
- procedure,
- proceed,
- proceeding,
- process,
- produce,
- production,
- profess,
- prologue,
- put on,
- quit,
- react,
- realize,
- register,
- regulation,
- represent,
- res gestae,
- resolution,
- routine,
- rubric,
- rule,
- ruling,
- run,
- scene,
- serve,
- sham,
- shtick,
- simulate,
- sketch,
- skit,
- social science,
- song and dance,
- stand-up comedy act,
- standing order,
- star,
- statute,
- steal the show,
- step,
- stooge,
- striptease,
- stroke,
- stunt,
- style,
- swing,
- tactics,
- take,
- take effect,
- take off,
- thing,
- thing done,
- tick,
- tone,
- tour de force,
- transaction,
- tread the boards,
- troupe,
- turn,
- undertaking,
- upstage,
- volume-produce,
- way,
- way of life,
- ways,
- work,
- working,
- workings,
- works