Exact Match:
- affirmation
- a judgment by a higher court that the judgment of a lower court was correct and should stand
- (religion) a solemn declaration that serves the same purpose as an oath (if an oath is objectionable to the person on religious or ethical grounds)
- the act of affirming or asserting or stating something
- John Hancock,
- OK,
- Parthian shot,
- a priori principle,
- acceptance,
- accord,
- acquiescence,
- address,
- admission,
- affidavit,
- affirmance,
- affirmative,
- affirmative voice,
- agreement,
- allegation,
- answer,
- apostrophe,
- approbation,
- approval,
- apriorism,
- assent,
- assertion,
- asseveration,
- assumed position,
- assumption,
- attest,
- attestation,
- authentication,
- authorization,
- averment,
- avouchment,
- avowal,
- axiom,
- aye,
- backing,
- backing up,
- basis,
- bearing out,
- blessing,
- bolstering,
- buttressing,
- categorical proposition,
- certification,
- circumstantiation,
- comment,
- compliance,
- compurgation,
- confirmation,
- connivance,
- consent,
- corroboration,
- corroboratory evidence,
- countersignature,
- crack,
- data,
- declaration,
- deposition,
- dictum,
- disclosure,
- documentation,
- eagerness,
- endorsement,
- exclamation,
- expression,
- first principles,
- fortification,
- foundation,
- go-ahead,
- green light,
- greeting,
- ground,
- hypothesis,
- hypothesis ad hoc,
- imprimatur,
- instrument in proof,
- interjection,
- legal evidence,
- lemma,
- major premise,
- mention,
- minor premise,
- nod,
- notarization,
- notarized statement,
- note,
- observation,
- okay,
- permission,
- philosopheme,
- philosophical proposition,
- phrase,
- position,
- postulate,
- postulation,
- postulatum,
- premise,
- presupposition,
- profession,
- promptitude,
- promptness,
- pronouncement,
- proof,
- proposition,
- propositional function,
- proving,
- proving out,
- question,
- ratification,
- readiness,
- reflection,
- reinforcement,
- remark,
- rubber stamp,
- sanction,
- say,
- saying,
- seal,
- sentence,
- sigil,
- signature,
- signet,
- stamp,
- stamp of approval,
- statement,
- statement under oath,
- strengthening,
- subjoinder,
- submission,
- subscription,
- substantiation,
- sumption,
- support,
- supporting evidence,
- supposal,
- swearing,
- sworn evidence,
- sworn statement,
- sworn testimony,
- testimonial,
- testimonium,
- testimony,
- the nod,
- theorem,
- thesis,
- thought,
- truth table,
- truth-function,
- truth-value,
- undergirding,
- ungrudgingness,
- unloathness,
- unreluctance,
- utterance,
- validation,
- verification,
- visa,
- vise,
- vouching,
- warrant,
- willingness,
- witness,
- word