Exact Match:
- aged
- people who are old collectively; "special arrangements were available for the aged"
- (used of tobacco) aging as a preservative process (`aged' is pronounced as one syllable)
- of wines, fruit, cheeses; having reached a desired or final condition; (`aged' pronounced as one syllable); "mature well-aged cheeses"
- advanced in years; (`aged' is pronounced as two syllables); "aged members of the society"; "elderly residents could remember the construction of the first skyscraper"; "senior citizen"
- at an advanced stage of erosion (pronounced as one syllable); "aged rocks"
- abiding,
- advanced,
- advanced in life,
- advanced in years,
- age-long,
- age-old,
- along in years,
- ancient,
- antediluvian,
- antique,
- chronic,
- constant,
- continuing,
- developed,
- diuturnal,
- doddering,
- durable,
- elderly,
- enduring,
- evergreen,
- full-blown,
- full-fledged,
- full-grown,
- fully developed,
- getting on,
- gray,
- gray with age,
- gray-haired,
- gray-headed,
- grey,
- grown old,
- hardy,
- hoar,
- hoary,
- immutable,
- in full bloom,
- intransient,
- inveterate,
- lasting,
- long-lasting,
- long-lived,
- long-standing,
- long-term,
- longeval,
- longevous,
- macrobiotic,
- mature,
- matured,
- mellow,
- mellowed,
- of long duration,
- of long standing,
- old,
- old as Methuselah,
- olden,
- patriarchal,
- pensioned off,
- perdurable,
- perduring,
- perennial,
- permanent,
- perpetual,
- persistent,
- persisting,
- remaining,
- retired,
- ripe,
- ripened,
- seasoned,
- sempervirent,
- senectuous,
- senescent,
- senile,
- senior,
- stable,
- staying,
- steadfast,
- superannuated,
- tempered,
- timeworn,
- tottery,
- tough,
- unfading,
- venerable,
- vital,
- white,
- white with age,
- white-bearded,
- white-crowned,
- white-haired,
- wrinkled,
- wrinkly,
- years old