a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists
not used up; "leftover meatloaf"; "she had a little money left over so she went to a movie"; "some odd dollars left"; "saved the remaining sandwiches for supper"; "unexpended provisions"
any collection of valuables that is discovered; "her book was a treasure trove of new ideas"; "mother's attic was a treasure trove when we were looking for antiques"
treasure of unknown ownership found hidden (usually in the earth)
(law) compulsory pretrial disclosure of documents relevant to a case; enables one side in a litigation to elicit information from the other side concerning the facts in the case
(dentistry) a dental appliance consisting of any of various substances (as metal or plastic) inserted into a prepared cavity in a tooth; "when he yawned I could see the gold fillings in his teeth"; "an informal British term for `filling' is `stopping'"
a food mixture used to fill pastry or sandwiches etc.
flow into something (as a container)
any material that fills a space or container; "there was not enough fill for the trench"
the number that remains after subtraction; the number that when added to the subtrahend gives the minuend
the part of the dividend that is left over when the dividend is not evenly divisible by the divisor
something left after other parts have been taken away; "there was no remainder"; "he threw away the rest"; "he took what he wanted and I got the balance"
sell cheaply as remainders; "The publisher remaindered the books"
something that is found; "the findings in the gastrointestinal tract indicate that he died several hours after dinner"; "an area rich in archaeological findings"