Exact Match:
- aspiration
- a will to succeed
- a manner of articulation involving an audible release of breath
- Aqua-Lung,
- aim,
- allophone,
- alveolar,
- ambition,
- ambitiousness,
- animus,
- apico-alveolar,
- apico-dental,
- articulation,
- artificial respiration,
- assimilation,
- assumption,
- assurance,
- assured faith,
- asthmatic wheeze,
- basis,
- bated breath,
- bilabial,
- bleeding,
- bloodletting,
- breath,
- breath of air,
- breathing,
- breathy voice,
- broaching,
- broken wind,
- cacuminal,
- calling,
- cause,
- cerebral,
- check,
- cheerful expectation,
- confidence,
- consideration,
- consonant,
- continuant,
- conviction,
- cough,
- counsel,
- craving,
- cupping,
- dental,
- dependence,
- desideration,
- desideratum,
- design,
- desire,
- determination,
- diphthong,
- direction,
- dissimilation,
- doomed hope,
- drafting,
- drainage,
- draining,
- drawing,
- dream,
- effect,
- emptying,
- epenthetic vowel,
- exhalation,
- expectation,
- expiration,
- explosive,
- exsufflation,
- fair prospect,
- faith,
- fervent hope,
- fixed purpose,
- function,
- gasp,
- glide,
- glottal,
- glottalization,
- goal,
- good cheer,
- good hope,
- great expectations,
- ground,
- guiding light,
- guiding star,
- gulp,
- guttural,
- hack,
- hankering,
- hiccup,
- high goal,
- high hopes,
- hope,
- hopeful prognosis,
- hopefulness,
- hopes,
- hoping,
- hoping against hope,
- idea,
- ideal,
- idealism,
- ideals,
- inhalation,
- inhalator,
- inhalement,
- inspiration,
- insufflation,
- intendment,
- intent,
- intention,
- iron lung,
- labial,
- labialization,
- labiodental,
- labiovelar,
- laryngeal,
- lateral,
- lingual,
- liquid,
- little voice,
- lodestar,
- longing,
- low voice,
- lust,
- mainspring,
- manner of articulation,
- matter,
- meaning,
- milking,
- mind,
- modification,
- monophthong,
- morphophoneme,
- motive,
- mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,
- mumble,
- mumbling,
- murmur,
- murmuration,
- murmuring,
- mute,
- mutter,
- muttering,
- nasal,
- nisus,
- objective,
- occlusive,
- oxygen mask,
- oxygen tent,
- palatal,
- pant,
- parasitic vowel,
- passion,
- peak,
- pharyngeal,
- pharyngealization,
- phlebotomy,
- phone,
- phoneme,
- pipetting,
- plan,
- plosive,
- plot,
- point,
- prayerful hope,
- presumption,
- pretension,
- principle,
- project,
- promise,
- proposal,
- prospect,
- prospects,
- prospectus,
- prothetic vowel,
- puff,
- pumping,
- purpose,
- reaching high,
- reason,
- reliance,
- resolution,
- resolve,
- respiration,
- retroflex,
- sake,
- sanguine expectation,
- scheme,
- score,
- scuba,
- security,
- segmental phoneme,
- semivowel,
- sigh,
- siphoning,
- sneeze,
- sniff,
- sniffle,
- snore,
- snoring,
- snuff,
- snuffle,
- soft voice,
- sonant,
- sonority,
- source,
- speech sound,
- spring,
- stage whisper,
- sternutation,
- stertor,
- still small voice,
- stop,
- striving,
- study,
- suck,
- sucking,
- suction,
- surd,
- suspiration,
- susurration,
- susurrus,
- syllabic nucleus,
- syllabic peak,
- syllable,
- tapping,
- transition sound,
- triphthong,
- trust,
- ulterior motive,
- underbreath,
- undertone,
- upward looking,
- urge,
- velar,
- venesection,
- view,
- vocable,
- vocalic,
- vocation,
- vocoid,
- voice,
- voiced sound,
- voiceless sound,
- voicing,
- vowel,
- well-grounded hope,
- wheeze,
- whisper,
- whispering,
- will,
- wind,
- wish,
- yearning