Exact Match:
- assonant
- having the same vowel sound occurring with different consonants in successive words or stressed syllables
- having the same sound (especially the same vowel sound) occurring in successive stressed syllables; "note the assonant words and syllables in `tilting at windmills'"
- accordant,
- according,
- alliteral,
- alliterating,
- alliterative,
- assonantal,
- attuned,
- belabored,
- blended,
- blending,
- chanting,
- chiming,
- cliche-ridden,
- concordant,
- consonant,
- dingdong,
- harmonic,
- harmonious,
- harmonizing,
- harping,
- homophonic,
- humdrum,
- in accord,
- in chorus,
- in concert,
- in concord,
- in sync,
- in tune,
- in unison,
- jingle-jangle,
- jingling,
- jog-trot,
- labored,
- monodic,
- monophonic,
- monotone,
- monotonous,
- punning,
- rhymed,
- rhyming,
- singsong,
- symphonious,
- synchronized,
- synchronous,
- tedious,
- tuned,
- unisonant,
- unisonous