Exact Match:
- assurance
- freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities; "his assurance in his superiority did not make him popular"; "after that failure he lost his confidence"; "she spoke with authority"
- a statement intended to inspire confidence; "the President's assurances were not respected"
- a binding commitment to do or give or refrain from something; "an assurance of help when needed"; "signed a pledge never to reveal the secret"
- a British term for some kinds of insurance
- Bible oath,
- absolute certainty,
- absoluteness,
- acceptation,
- acception,
- accident insurance,
- acquiescence,
- actuary,
- agreement,
- aid and comfort,
- annuity,
- aplomb,
- arrogance,
- ascertainment,
- aspiration,
- assumption,
- assured faith,
- assuredness,
- audacity,
- aviation insurance,
- avouch,
- avouchment,
- avow,
- bail bond,
- balance,
- belief,
- boldness,
- bond,
- brashness,
- brass,
- brazenness,
- bumptiousness,
- business life insurance,
- casualty insurance,
- certain knowledge,
- certainness,
- certainty,
- certificate of insurance,
- certification,
- certitude,
- check,
- checking,
- cheek,
- cheerful expectation,
- chutzpah,
- clear sailing,
- cockiness,
- cocksureness,
- collation,
- comfort,
- commitment,
- compact,
- composure,
- conceit,
- condolence,
- confidence,
- confidentness,
- confirmation,
- consolation,
- control,
- contumely,
- conviction,
- coolness,
- courage,
- court bond,
- covenant,
- credence,
- credit,
- credit insurance,
- credit life insurance,
- credulity,
- dead certainty,
- deductible,
- definiteness,
- dependence,
- desire,
- determinacy,
- determinateness,
- determination,
- doomed hope,
- easement,
- effrontery,
- emboldening,
- encouragement,
- endowment insurance,
- ensuring,
- equability,
- equanimity,
- equilibrium,
- establishment,
- expectation,
- extrajudicial oath,
- fair prospect,
- faith,
- family maintenance policy,
- fervent hope,
- fidelity bond,
- fidelity insurance,
- flood insurance,
- fraternal insurance,
- gall,
- good cheer,
- good hope,
- government insurance,
- great expectations,
- guarantee,
- guaranty,
- gumption,
- guts,
- gutsiness,
- hardihood,
- hardiness,
- harmlessness,
- health insurance,
- heartening,
- high hopes,
- hope,
- hopeful prognosis,
- hopefulness,
- hopes,
- hoping,
- hoping against hope,
- hubris,
- immunity,
- impudence,
- indemnity,
- industrial life insurance,
- ineluctability,
- inerrability,
- inerrancy,
- inevitability,
- infallibilism,
- infallibility,
- insolence,
- inspiration,
- inspiriting,
- inspiritment,
- insurance,
- insurance agent,
- insurance broker,
- insurance company,
- insurance man,
- insurance policy,
- interinsurance,
- intrepidity,
- invulnerability,
- ironclad oath,
- judicial oath,
- level head,
- levelheadedness,
- liability insurance,
- license bond,
- limited payment insurance,
- loyalty oath,
- major medical insurance,
- malpractice insurance,
- marine insurance,
- mutual company,
- necessity,
- nerve,
- nonambiguity,
- noncontingency,
- oath,
- oath of allegiance,
- oath of office,
- obtrusiveness,
- ocean marine insurance,
- official oath,
- overconfidence,
- oversureness,
- overweening,
- overweeningness,
- pact,
- parole,
- permit bond,
- pledge,
- plight,
- poise,
- policy,
- pomposity,
- positiveness,
- possession,
- prayerful hope,
- predestination,
- predetermination,
- presence of mind,
- presumption,
- presumptuousness,
- pride,
- probatum,
- procacity,
- promise,
- prospect,
- prospects,
- protection,
- proved fact,
- pushiness,
- reassurance,
- reassurement,
- reception,
- reliance,
- reliance on,
- relief,
- resolve,
- restraint,
- risklessness,
- robbery insurance,
- safeguard,
- safeness,
- safety,
- sangfroid,
- sanguine expectation,
- security,
- self-assurance,
- self-command,
- self-conceit,
- self-confidence,
- self-control,
- self-importance,
- self-possession,
- self-reliance,
- self-restraint,
- settled belief,
- shred of comfort,
- social security,
- solace,
- solacement,
- solemn declaration,
- solemn oath,
- steadiness,
- stock,
- stock company,
- stocks and bonds,
- store,
- subjective certainty,
- substantiation,
- support,
- sureness,
- surety,
- suspension of disbelief,
- sympathy,
- term insurance,
- test oath,
- theft insurance,
- tie,
- troth,
- trust,
- truth,
- unambiguity,
- understanding,
- underwriter,
- unequivocalness,
- univocity,
- unmistakableness,
- uppishness,
- uppityness,
- validation,
- vanity,
- verification,
- vow,
- warrant,
- warranty,
- well-grounded hope,
- well-regulated mind,
- word,
- word of honor