Exact Match:
- bag
- a flexible container with a single opening; "he stuffed his laundry into a large bag"
- a portable rectangular container for carrying clothes; "he carried his small bag onto the plane with him"
- a container used for carrying money and small personal items or accessories (especially by women); "she reached into her bag and found a comb"
- an ugly or ill-tempered woman; "he was romancing the old bag for her money"
- the quantity of game taken in a particular period (usually by one person); "his bag included two deer"
- the quantity that a bag will hold; "he ate a large bag of popcorn"
- capture or kill, as in hunting; "bag a few pheasants"
- put into a bag; "The supermarket clerk bagged the groceries"
- hang loosely, like an empty bag
- IUD,
- abstract,
- acquire,
- activities,
- activity,
- affair,
- affairs,
- affinity,
- and,
- annex,
- appropriate,
- area,
- baboon,
- ballocks,
- balloon,
- balls,
- bang,
- barrel,
- basket,
- bat,
- be seized of,
- beard,
- beldam,
- belly,
- belly out,
- bent,
- bias,
- biddy,
- bilge,
- billfold,
- billow,
- bindle,
- birth control device,
- bladder,
- blemish,
- blot,
- boobs,
- boost,
- booster,
- booster dose,
- booster shot,
- booty,
- borrow,
- bosom,
- bottle,
- bouge,
- box,
- box up,
- breast,
- breasts,
- brisket,
- budget,
- bug,
- bulge,
- bundle,
- burden,
- business,
- bust,
- can,
- capsule,
- capture,
- carton,
- cascade,
- case,
- cask,
- catch,
- cervix,
- chest,
- chosen kind,
- clench,
- clitoris,
- cod,
- cods,
- collar,
- come by,
- come in for,
- come into,
- commerce,
- concern,
- concernment,
- condom,
- contraceptive,
- contraceptive foam,
- contract,
- cop,
- corral,
- crate,
- crib,
- crone,
- crop,
- cullions,
- cup of tea,
- daggle,
- dangle,
- deck,
- defraud,
- depend,
- derive,
- diaphragm,
- dilate,
- distend,
- dog,
- dose,
- drab,
- drabble,
- draft,
- drag,
- drag down,
- draggle,
- drape,
- draw,
- droop,
- dropping,
- drug packet,
- druthers,
- dug,
- earn,
- embezzle,
- employ,
- employment,
- encase,
- encyst,
- enmesh,
- ensnare,
- entangle,
- enter into possession,
- enterprise,
- entrap,
- evening bag,
- extort,
- eyesore,
- fall,
- family jewels,
- fancy,
- favor,
- female organs,
- field,
- filch,
- fill,
- fix,
- flap,
- flop,
- flow,
- fob,
- forte,
- foul,
- freight,
- fright,
- function,
- gain,
- gargoyle,
- genitalia,
- genitals,
- get,
- glom,
- goggle,
- golf bag,
- gonads,
- gunny,
- gunny sack,
- hag,
- hamper,
- handbag,
- hang,
- hang down,
- harpoon,
- harridan,
- harvest,
- haul,
- heap,
- heap up,
- hit,
- hook,
- inclination,
- injection,
- interest,
- intrauterine device,
- jar,
- knockers,
- labia,
- labia majora,
- labia minora,
- labor,
- lade,
- land,
- lasso,
- leaning,
- lift,
- line,
- lingam,
- lips,
- load,
- long suit,
- lookout,
- lop,
- main interest,
- mainlining,
- make,
- make off with,
- male organs,
- mama,
- mamelon,
- mamelonation,
- mammary gland,
- mammilla,
- mammillation,
- manner,
- mass,
- matter,
- meat,
- mesh,
- mess,
- metier,
- money belt,
- money clip,
- monster,
- monstrosity,
- nab,
- nail,
- narcotic shot,
- nenes,
- net,
- nip,
- nipple,
- no beauty,
- nod,
- noose,
- nose bag,
- nuts,
- nymphae,
- obtain,
- occupation,
- oral contraceptive,
- ovary,
- overdose,
- pack,
- pack away,
- package,
- palm,
- pap,
- papilla,
- parcel,
- partiality,
- particular choice,
- pend,
- penis,
- personal choice,
- pessary,
- pet subject,
- phallus,
- pigeon breast,
- pile,
- pilfer,
- pinch,
- poach,
- pocket,
- pocketbook,
- poke,
- pooch,
- pop,
- popping,
- porte-monnaie,
- portion,
- pot,
- potion,
- pouch,
- pout,
- predilection,
- predisposition,
- preference,
- prehend,
- prejudice,
- prepossession,
- private parts,
- privates,
- privy parts,
- proclivity,
- procure,
- prophylactic,
- pubic hair,
- pudenda,
- pull down,
- purloin,
- purse,
- purse strings,
- pursuit,
- reap,
- reproductive organs,
- reticule,
- rocks,
- rope,
- round out,
- rubber,
- run away with,
- rustle,
- sac,
- sack,
- saddlebag,
- sag,
- scarecrow,
- scoop,
- score,
- scrip,
- scrotum,
- scrounge,
- secondary sex characteristic,
- secure,
- seizure,
- service,
- sex organs,
- ship,
- shoplift,
- shot,
- sight,
- skin,
- skin-popping,
- sleeping bag,
- snag,
- snare,
- snatch,
- sniggle,
- snitch,
- spear,
- specialism,
- speciality,
- specialization,
- specialty,
- spermary,
- spermicidal jelly,
- spermicide,
- stack,
- steal,
- store,
- stow,
- strong point,
- style,
- swag,
- swell,
- swell out,
- swindle,
- swing,
- swipe,
- take,
- tangle,
- tangle up with,
- tank,
- taste,
- teat,
- technicality,
- tendency,
- teratism,
- testes,
- testicles,
- the pill,
- thieve,
- thing,
- thorax,
- tin,
- tit,
- tits,
- titties,
- titty,
- tobacco pouch,
- trail,
- trap,
- trot,
- type,
- udder,
- ugly duckling,
- undertaking,
- uterus,
- vagina,
- vocation,
- vulva,
- walk off with,
- wallet,
- way,
- weakness,
- weep,
- win,
- witch,
- womb,
- work,
- yoni