Exact Match:
- bend
- curved segment (of a road or river or railroad track etc.)
- diagonal line traversing a shield from the upper right corner to the lower left
- a town in central Oregon at the eastern foot of the Cascade Range
- a circular segment of a curve; "a bend in the road"; "a crook in the path"
- change direction; "The road bends"
- form a curve; "The stick does not bend"
- L,
- S-curve,
- aberrancy,
- aberration,
- accommodate,
- accommodate with,
- accord,
- achievement,
- adapt,
- adapt to,
- adjust,
- adjust to,
- affect,
- agree with,
- aim,
- aim at,
- alerion,
- angle,
- angle off,
- animal charge,
- annulet,
- apex,
- apply,
- arc,
- arch,
- argent,
- armorial bearings,
- armory,
- arms,
- assimilate to,
- azure,
- band,
- bandage,
- bandeau,
- bar,
- bar sinister,
- baton,
- be guided by,
- bear off,
- bearings,
- beat down,
- belt,
- bend,
- bend back,
- bend sinister,
- bend the knee,
- bend the neck,
- bend to,
- bending,
- bending the knee,
- bent,
- bias,
- bifurcate,
- bifurcation,
- bight,
- billet,
- bind,
- bind up,
- blazon,
- blazonry,
- bob,
- bob a curtsy,
- bob down,
- bordure,
- bow,
- bow and scrape,
- bow down,
- bow the head,
- bow to,
- bowing,
- bowing and scraping,
- brace,
- branch,
- branch off,
- branching off,
- break,
- break down,
- bring low,
- bring to terms,
- broad arrow,
- buckle,
- buckle down,
- bundle,
- cadency mark,
- cant,
- canton,
- cave,
- chain,
- change the bearing,
- channel,
- chaplet,
- charge,
- chevron,
- chief,
- chime in with,
- cinch,
- circuitousness,
- coat of arms,
- cockatrice,
- coin,
- collapse,
- color,
- comply,
- comply with,
- compose,
- conduce,
- conflexure,
- conform,
- conquer,
- contort,
- contribute,
- corner,
- coronet,
- correct,
- correspond,
- cower,
- crank,
- crescent,
- crest,
- cringe,
- cringe to,
- crook,
- cross,
- cross moline,
- crotchet,
- crouch,
- crouch before,
- crown,
- crumple,
- crush,
- curl,
- curtsy,
- curvation,
- curvature,
- curve,
- declination,
- decurve,
- deflect,
- deflection,
- depart from,
- departure,
- determine,
- detour,
- deviance,
- deviancy,
- deviate,
- deviation,
- device,
- deviousness,
- devote,
- diagonal,
- difference,
- differencing,
- diffract,
- diffuse,
- digress,
- digression,
- dipping the colors,
- direct,
- directionize,
- discipline,
- discursion,
- disperse,
- dispose,
- distort,
- divagate,
- divagation,
- divaricate,
- divarication,
- diverge,
- divergence,
- diversion,
- divert,
- do homage,
- do obeisance,
- do up,
- dogleg,
- dome,
- double,
- drift,
- drifting,
- duck,
- eagle,
- elbow,
- ell,
- embow,
- ermine,
- ermines,
- erminites,
- erminois,
- errantry,
- escutcheon,
- excursion,
- excursus,
- exorbitation,
- falcon,
- fall down before,
- fall in with,
- fell,
- fess,
- fess point,
- field,
- file,
- fit,
- fix,
- fix on,
- flanch,
- flatten,
- flection,
- fleur-de-lis,
- flex,
- flexure,
- focus,
- fold up,
- follow,
- fork,
- fret,
- fur,
- furcate,
- furcation,
- fusil,
- garland,
- geanticline,
- gear to,
- genuflect,
- genuflection,
- geosyncline,
- get down,
- gird,
- girdle,
- girt,
- girth,
- give,
- give way,
- gnarl,
- go,
- go by,
- griffin,
- grovel,
- gules,
- gyron,
- hairpin,
- hairpin turn,
- harmonize,
- hatchment,
- have a tendency,
- head,
- heel,
- helmet,
- heraldic device,
- hold on,
- homage,
- honor point,
- hook,
- humble,
- humiliate,
- hump,
- hunch,
- hunch down,
- impalement,
- impaling,
- inclination,
- incline,
- incurvate,
- incurve,
- indirection,
- induce,
- inescutcheon,
- inflect,
- inflection,
- influence,
- jaundice,
- knee,
- kneel,
- kneel to,
- kneeling,
- knot,
- knuckle to,
- kowtow,
- label,
- lace,
- lash,
- lead,
- lean,
- leash,
- level at,
- lion,
- look to,
- loop,
- lozenge,
- lurch,
- make a leg,
- make a reverence,
- make conform,
- make obeisance,
- making a leg,
- mantling,
- marshaling,
- martlet,
- mascle,
- master,
- meander,
- meet,
- metal,
- mold,
- motto,
- move,
- mullet,
- nod,
- nombril point,
- nook,
- obeisance,
- oblique,
- oblique angle,
- oblique figure,
- oblique line,
- obliquity,
- obsequiousness,
- observe,
- octofoil,
- or,
- ordinary,
- orle,
- overmaster,
- override,
- overwhelm,
- oxbow,
- pale,
- paly,
- pean,
- pererration,
- persuade,
- pheon,
- point,
- point at,
- point to,
- predispose,
- prejudice,
- prejudice against,
- prejudice the issue,
- prepossess,
- present,
- presenting arms,
- prompt,
- prostrate,
- prostration,
- pull,
- purpure,
- put down,
- quarter,
- quartering,
- quell,
- quoin,
- rambling,
- reconcile,
- rectify,
- recurve,
- redound to,
- reduce,
- reflect,
- reflection,
- reflex,
- refract,
- relax,
- relent,
- retroflex,
- reverence,
- rhomboid,
- ride down,
- rope,
- rose,
- round,
- rub off corners,
- sable,
- sag,
- salaam,
- saltire,
- salutation,
- salute,
- scatter,
- scrape,
- scratch comma,
- screw,
- scrouch down,
- scutcheon,
- separatrix,
- serve,
- servility,
- set,
- set toward,
- settle,
- shape,
- sheer,
- shield,
- shift,
- shifting,
- shifting course,
- shifting path,
- show a tendency,
- sight on,
- skew,
- slant,
- slash,
- slue,
- smash,
- soften up,
- solidus,
- splice,
- spread eagle,
- spring,
- squat,
- standing at attention,
- steer,
- stoop,
- straighten,
- strap,
- straying,
- subdue,
- subjugate,
- submission,
- submissiveness,
- submit,
- subordinary,
- suit,
- supination,
- suppress,
- swaddle,
- swag,
- swathe,
- sway,
- sweep,
- swerve,
- swerving,
- swinging,
- tack,
- tally with,
- tend,
- tenne,
- throw,
- tie,
- tie up,
- tincture,
- tinge,
- tone,
- torse,
- train,
- train upon,
- trample down,
- trample underfoot,
- transverse,
- tread underfoot,
- trend,
- tressure,
- truckle to,
- truss,
- turn,
- turn aside,
- turn awry,
- turn upon,
- turning,
- twist,
- tyrannize,
- unbend,
- unicorn,
- unman,
- vair,
- vanquish,
- variation,
- vary,
- vault,
- veer,
- verge,
- vert,
- vertex,
- virgule,
- wallow,
- wandering,
- warp,
- wear down,
- weigh with,
- welter,
- wind,
- wire,
- work,
- work toward,
- wrap,
- wrap up,
- wreath,
- wrench,
- wrest,
- wring,
- writhe,
- yale,
- yaw,
- yield,
- zag,
- zig,
- zigzag