Exact Match:
- bladder
- a bag that fills with air
- a distensible membranous sac (usually containing liquid or gas)
- air bubble,
- bag,
- ball,
- balloon,
- bleb,
- blister,
- blob,
- blood blister,
- boll,
- bolus,
- bubble,
- bulb,
- bulbil,
- bulblet,
- bulla,
- cap and bells,
- coxcomb,
- ellipsoid,
- fever blister,
- fob,
- geoid,
- globe,
- globelet,
- globoid,
- globule,
- glomerulus,
- gob,
- gobbet,
- knob,
- knot,
- motley,
- oblate spheroid,
- orb,
- orbit,
- orblet,
- pellet,
- pocket,
- poke,
- prolate spheroid,
- rondure,
- sac,
- sack,
- slapstick,
- soap bubble,
- sock,
- sphere,
- spheroid,
- spherule,
- vesicle