British secret operative 007 in novels by Ian Fleming
United States civil rights leader who was elected to the legislature in Georgia but was barred from taking his seat because he opposed the Vietnam War (born 1940)
a certificate of debt (usually interest-bearing or discounted) that is issued by a government or corporation in order to raise money; the issuer is required to pay a fixed sum annually until maturity and then a fixed sum to repay the principal
a superior quality of strong durable white writing paper; originally made for printing documents
held in slavery; "born of enslaved parents"
bring together in a common cause or emotion; "The death of their child had drawn them together"
the act of submitting; usually surrendering power to another
(law) a contention presented by a lawyer to a judge or jury as part of the case he is arguing
an agreement between parties in a dispute to abide by the decision of an arbiter
a legal document summarizing an agreement between parties in a dispute to abide by the decision of an arbiter
something (manuscripts or architectural plans and models or estimates or works of art of all genres etc.) submitted for the judgment of others (as in a competition); "several of his submissions were rejected by publishers"; "what was the date of submission of your proposal?"
the condition of having submitted to control by someone or something else; "the union was brought into submission"; "his submission to the will of God"
an artifact (or system of artifacts) that is instrumental in accomplishing some end
the quality of being instrumental for some purpose
a subsidiary organ of government created for a special purpose; "are the judicial instrumentalities of local governments adequate?"; "he studied the French instrumentalities for law enforcement"
the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"
associated with or performed by armed services as contrasted with civilians; "military police"
characteristic of or associated with soldiers or the military; "military uniforms"
of or relating to the study of the principles of warfare; "military law"
the act of starting a new operation or practice; "he opposed the inauguration of fluoridation"; "the startup of the new factory was delayed by strikes"
the ceremonial induction into a position; "the new president obviously enjoyed his inauguration"
as the agent of or on someone's part (usually expressed as "on behalf of" rather than "in behalf of"); "the guardian signed the contract on behalf of the minor child"; "this letter is written on behalf of my client";
for someone's benefit (usually expressed as `in behalf' rather than `on behalf' and usually with a possessive); "in your behalf"; "campaigning in his own behalf"; "spoke a good word in his friend's behalf"
the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new; "she looked forward to her initiation as an adult"; "the foundation of a new scientific society"; "he regards the fork as a modern introduction"
a formal entry into an organization or position or office; "his initiation into the club"; "he was ordered to report for induction into the army"; "he gave a speech as part of his installation into the hall of fame"
a notable achievement; "he performed a great deed"; "the book was her finest effort"
a legal document signed and sealed and delivered to effect a transfer of property and to show the legal right to possess it; "he signed the deed"; "he kept the title to his car in the glove compartment"