Exact Match:
- borough
- an English town that forms the constituency of a member of parliament
- one of the administrative divisions of a large city
- Kreis,
- Stadt,
- archbishopric,
- archdiocese,
- arrondissement,
- bailiwick,
- banlieue,
- bishopric,
- boom town,
- bourg,
- burg,
- burgh,
- canton,
- city,
- close borough,
- commune,
- congressional district,
- constablewick,
- conurbation,
- county,
- departement,
- diocese,
- district,
- duchy,
- election district,
- electoral district,
- electorate,
- exurb,
- exurbia,
- faubourg,
- gerrymander,
- gerrymandered district,
- ghost town,
- government,
- greater city,
- hamlet,
- hundred,
- magistracy,
- market town,
- megalopolis,
- metropolis,
- metropolitan area,
- municipality,
- oblast,
- okrug,
- outskirts,
- parish,
- pocket borough,
- polis,
- precinct,
- principality,
- province,
- region,
- riding,
- rotten borough,
- safe district,
- sheriffalty,
- sheriffwick,
- shire,
- shrievalty,
- silk-stocking district,
- single-member district,
- soke,
- spread city,
- stake,
- state,
- suburb,
- suburbia,
- swing district,
- territory,
- town,
- township,
- urban complex,
- urban sprawl,
- urbs,
- village,
- ville,
- wapentake,
- ward