Exact Match:
- boundary
- the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something
- a line determining the limits of an area
- Thule,
- Ultima Thule,
- ankle,
- articulation,
- balustrade,
- barrier,
- bisector,
- bitter end,
- border line,
- bordering,
- borderline,
- borders,
- bottom dollar,
- bound,
- boundary condition,
- boundary line,
- bounding,
- bounds,
- bourn,
- break boundary,
- breakoff point,
- butt,
- butt end,
- caesura,
- caudal,
- ceiling,
- cervix,
- circumscription,
- clinch,
- closure,
- coastal,
- colon,
- comma,
- compass,
- conclusive,
- confine,
- confinement,
- confines,
- connecting link,
- connecting rod,
- connection,
- continence,
- coupling,
- cutoff,
- cutoff point,
- deadline,
- definitive,
- delimitation,
- determinant,
- determinative,
- determining,
- diameter,
- discipline,
- divider,
- division line,
- dovetail,
- elbow,
- embrace,
- end,
- endmost,
- equator,
- eventual,
- extreme,
- extremity,
- fag end,
- farthest,
- farthest bound,
- fence,
- final,
- finish,
- floor,
- fringing,
- frontier,
- frontiers,
- gliding joint,
- halfway mark,
- hedge,
- high-water mark,
- hinge,
- hinged joint,
- hip,
- interface,
- join,
- joining,
- joint,
- jumping-off place,
- juncture,
- knee,
- knuckle,
- last,
- limbic,
- limen,
- liminal,
- limit,
- limitation,
- limiting,
- limiting factor,
- limits,
- line,
- line of demarcation,
- link,
- littoral,
- low-water mark,
- lower limit,
- march,
- marginal,
- mark,
- mete,
- miter,
- moderation,
- mortise,
- neck,
- nib,
- partition,
- pause,
- perimeter,
- period,
- pivot,
- pivot joint,
- point,
- polar,
- pole,
- precincts,
- prescription,
- proscription,
- purlieus,
- qualification,
- rabbet,
- rail,
- railing,
- restrain,
- restriction,
- rimming,
- scarf,
- seam,
- semicolon,
- shoulder,
- skirting,
- start,
- starting line,
- starting point,
- stitch,
- stone wall,
- stop,
- stub,
- stump,
- suture,
- symphysis,
- tag,
- tag end,
- tail,
- tail end,
- target date,
- term,
- terminal,
- terminal date,
- terminating,
- terminative,
- terminus,
- threshold,
- tie rod,
- time allotment,
- tip,
- toggle,
- toggle joint,
- ultimate,
- union,
- upper limit,
- wall,
- weld,
- wrist