Exact Match:
- buffet
- a piece of furniture that stands at the side of a dining room; has shelves and drawers
- a meal set out on a buffet at which guests help themselves
- strike, beat repeatedly; "The wind buffeted him"
- strike against forcefully; "Winds buffeted the tent"
- abuse,
- agonize,
- ambo,
- antagonize,
- automat,
- bafflement,
- balk,
- bang,
- bar,
- bash,
- baste,
- bastinado,
- batter,
- battle,
- beanery,
- beat,
- beat against,
- beat up against,
- belabor,
- belt,
- bench,
- betrayed hope,
- birch,
- bistro,
- blasted expectation,
- blighted hope,
- blip,
- blow,
- board,
- box,
- box the ears,
- breast the wave,
- bruise,
- buck,
- buffet the waves,
- bung,
- bung up,
- buvette,
- cafe,
- cafeteria,
- cane,
- canteen,
- cantina,
- chop,
- chophouse,
- chuck wagon,
- close with,
- clout,
- club,
- coffee shop,
- coffeehouse,
- coffeeroom,
- combat,
- comedown,
- compete with,
- contend,
- contend against,
- contest,
- contuse,
- cookhouse,
- cookshack,
- cookshop,
- counter,
- cowhide,
- cruel disappointment,
- cudgel,
- cuff,
- cut,
- dash,
- dashed hope,
- defeat,
- desk,
- diner,
- dining hall,
- dining room,
- disappointment,
- discomfiture,
- disillusionment,
- dissatisfaction,
- do violence to,
- do wrong by,
- do wrong to,
- dog wagon,
- drive-in,
- drive-in restaurant,
- drub,
- eatery,
- eating house,
- escritoire,
- failure,
- fallen countenance,
- fast-food chain,
- fiasco,
- fight,
- fight against,
- fizzle,
- flagellate,
- flail,
- flap,
- flog,
- foiling,
- forlorn hope,
- frustration,
- fustigate,
- give a whipping,
- give the stick,
- grapple with,
- grill,
- grillroom,
- grunt and sweat,
- hamburger stand,
- hammer,
- hash house,
- hashery,
- hassle,
- hope deferred,
- horsewhip,
- hot-dog stand,
- huff and puff,
- ill-treat,
- ill-use,
- injure,
- join battle with,
- kitchen,
- knock,
- knock about,
- knout,
- labor against,
- lace,
- lambaste,
- larrup,
- lash,
- lay on,
- lectern,
- letdown,
- lunch counter,
- lunch wagon,
- luncheonette,
- lunchroom,
- maltreat,
- manhandle,
- maul,
- mess hall,
- militate against,
- mirage,
- mishandle,
- mistreat,
- molest,
- offer resistance,
- outrage,
- paste,
- patter,
- pelt,
- pistol-whip,
- pizzeria,
- poke,
- pommel,
- pound,
- pulverize,
- pummel,
- punch,
- quick-lunch counter,
- rap,
- rawhide,
- reluct,
- reluctate,
- restaurant,
- rival,
- rough,
- rough up,
- sandwich shop,
- savage,
- scourge,
- scuffle,
- secretaire,
- secretary,
- setback,
- slap,
- slap the face,
- sledgehammer,
- smack,
- smite,
- smorgasbord,
- snack bar,
- sock,
- sore disappointment,
- spank,
- stand,
- stem the tide,
- strap,
- strike,
- stripe,
- strive,
- strive against,
- struggle,
- struggle against,
- swinge,
- switch,
- table,
- take on,
- tantalization,
- tavern,
- tearoom,
- tease,
- thrash,
- thresh,
- thump,
- token punishment,
- trattoria,
- trounce,
- truncheon,
- tussle,
- vie with,
- wallop,
- whack,
- whale,
- whip,
- whomp,
- whop,
- workbench,
- wrestle,
- writing table