Exact Match:
- burn
- damage inflicted by fire
- a place or area that has been burned (especially on a person's body)
- an injury caused by exposure to heat or chemicals or radiation
- pain that feels hot as if it were on fire
- burn with heat, fire, or radiation; "The iron burnt a hole in my dress"
- undergo combustion; "Maple wood burns well"
- cause to undergo combustion; "burn garbage"; "The car burns only Diesel oil"
- destroy by fire; "They burned the house and his diaries"
- feel strong emotion, especially anger or passion; "She was burning with anger"; "He was burning to try out his new skies"
- feel hot or painful; "My eyes are burning"
- spend (significant amounts of money); "He has money to burn"
- burn at the stake; "Witches were burned in Salem"
- cause to burn or combust; "The sun burned off the fog"; "We combust coal and other fossil fuels"
- shine intensely, as if with heat; "The coals were glowing in the dark"; "The candles were burning"
- Earth insertion,
- LEM,
- LM,
- abrade,
- abrasion,
- adolescent stream,
- afflict,
- agonize,
- ail,
- air-dry,
- altitude peak,
- anhydrate,
- apogee,
- arroyo,
- assault,
- attack,
- attitude-control rocket,
- automatic control,
- bake,
- ballistic capsule,
- bank,
- barbarize,
- bark,
- batter,
- be bright,
- be in heat,
- be livid,
- be pissed,
- be warm,
- beacon,
- beam,
- beat,
- beat down,
- beck,
- bedazzle,
- beguile of,
- behead,
- bilk,
- bite,
- blacken,
- blast-off,
- blaze,
- blaze up,
- blemish,
- blind,
- blister,
- bloody,
- bloom,
- blot,
- blow down,
- blow up,
- bluster,
- boil,
- boil over,
- bourn,
- bowstring,
- braided stream,
- branch,
- brand,
- break,
- break down,
- bring down,
- bristle,
- broil,
- bronze,
- brook,
- brooklet,
- brown,
- browned off,
- brush,
- brutalize,
- bulldoze,
- bunco,
- burn down,
- burn in,
- burn off,
- burning,
- burning pain,
- burnout,
- burst into flame,
- butcher,
- capsule,
- carry on,
- cast,
- cast down,
- catch,
- catch fire,
- catch on fire,
- cauterize,
- ceiling,
- chafe,
- channel,
- char,
- cheat,
- check,
- chip,
- chisel,
- choke,
- chop down,
- chouse,
- chouse out of,
- claw,
- coal,
- cog,
- cog the dice,
- combust,
- con,
- concussion,
- conflagrate,
- consume,
- convulse,
- cook,
- cozen,
- crack,
- crackle,
- craze,
- creek,
- cremate,
- crib,
- crick,
- crucify,
- cupel,
- cure,
- cut,
- cut down,
- daze,
- dazzle,
- decapitate,
- decollate,
- deep-space ship,
- defenestrate,
- defraud,
- dehumidify,
- dehydrate,
- descent,
- desiccate,
- desire,
- destroy,
- diddle,
- diffuse light,
- distress,
- do in,
- do out of,
- docking,
- docking maneuver,
- drain,
- dry,
- electrocute,
- embrown,
- end of burning,
- enkindle,
- euchre,
- evaporate,
- excruciate,
- execute,
- exsiccate,
- fan the flame,
- feed,
- feed the fire,
- fell,
- ferry rocket,
- fester,
- finagle,
- fire,
- flam,
- flame,
- flame up,
- flare,
- flare up,
- flash,
- flash burn,
- flatten,
- fleece,
- flicker,
- flight,
- flimflam,
- flowing stream,
- flush,
- fluviation,
- fob,
- found,
- fracture,
- fray,
- frazzle,
- fresh,
- freshet,
- fret,
- fritter away,
- fry,
- fudge,
- fuel ship,
- fulgurate,
- fume,
- gall,
- garrote,
- gash,
- gasp,
- get wind of,
- gill,
- give light,
- give pain,
- glance,
- glare,
- gleam,
- glint,
- glow,
- gnaw,
- go on,
- gouge,
- gripe,
- guillotine,
- gull,
- gyp,
- hammer,
- harrow,
- have,
- have a conniption,
- hocus,
- hocus-pocus,
- hurt,
- ignite,
- ignition,
- impact,
- incandesce,
- incinerate,
- incise,
- incision,
- inflame,
- inflict capital punishment,
- inflict pain,
- infuscate,
- injection,
- injure,
- injury,
- insertion,
- insolate,
- irritate,
- itch,
- kill,
- kill by inches,
- kiln,
- kindle,
- knock down,
- knock over,
- lacerate,
- laceration,
- lapidate,
- launch,
- lay waste,
- lazy stream,
- lesion,
- level,
- lift-off,
- light,
- light up,
- long,
- loot,
- lunar excursion module,
- lunar module,
- luster,
- maim,
- make mincemeat of,
- manned rocket,
- martyr,
- martyrize,
- mat burn,
- maul,
- meandering stream,
- melt,
- midchannel,
- midstream,
- millstream,
- module,
- moon ship,
- mortal wound,
- moving road,
- mow down,
- mug,
- mulct,
- multistage rocket,
- mummify,
- mutilate,
- mutilation,
- navigable river,
- nip,
- nose out,
- orbit,
- overreach,
- oxidate,
- oxidize,
- pack the deal,
- pain,
- pant,
- parch,
- parking orbit,
- perigee,
- pierce,
- pigeon,
- pillage,
- pinch,
- pissed off,
- practice fraud upon,
- prick,
- prolong the agony,
- prostrate,
- pull down,
- puncture,
- put to death,
- put to torture,
- pyrolyze,
- race,
- racing stream,
- rack,
- radiate,
- radiate heat,
- rage,
- raise Cain,
- raise hell,
- raise the devil,
- raise the roof,
- ramp,
- rampage,
- rankle,
- rant,
- rant and rave,
- rape,
- rase,
- rasp,
- rave,
- raze,
- ream,
- reduce to ashes,
- reentry,
- rekindle,
- relight,
- relume,
- rend,
- rent,
- riot,
- rip,
- river,
- rivulet,
- roar,
- roast,
- rocket,
- rocket launching,
- rook,
- rub,
- ruin,
- run,
- rundle,
- runlet,
- runnel,
- rupture,
- rust,
- sack,
- savage,
- scald,
- scam,
- scent,
- scorch,
- scotch,
- scrape,
- scratch,
- screw,
- scuff,
- sear,
- second-degree burn,
- seethe,
- sell gold bricks,
- send out rays,
- set fire to,
- set on fire,
- shave,
- shimmer with heat,
- shine,
- shine brightly,
- shoot,
- shoot out rays,
- shortchange,
- shot,
- shrivel,
- shuttle rocket,
- sike,
- simmer,
- singe,
- sizzle,
- skin,
- slash,
- slaughter,
- slit,
- smart,
- smarting,
- smash,
- smell,
- smell out,
- smoke,
- smolder,
- smother,
- smoulder,
- sniff,
- sniff out,
- soak up,
- soft landing,
- solder,
- sore,
- sow chaos,
- space capsule,
- space docking,
- space rocket,
- spacecraft,
- spaceship,
- spark,
- spill stream,
- sponge,
- sprain,
- sputter,
- squander,
- stab,
- stab wound,
- stack the cards,
- steam,
- steamroller,
- stew,
- stick,
- stifle,
- sting,
- stinging,
- stir the fire,
- stoke,
- stoke the fire,
- stone,
- storm,
- strain,
- strangle,
- stream,
- stream action,
- streamlet,
- strike a light,
- subterranean river,
- suffocate,
- sun,
- sun-dry,
- sunburn,
- sunscald,
- suntan,
- swab,
- sweat,
- swelter,
- swindle,
- swinge,
- take,
- take a dive,
- take down,
- take on,
- tan,
- tear,
- tear around,
- tear down,
- terrorize,
- thimblerig,
- third-degree burn,
- throw a fight,
- throw a fit,
- throw away,
- throw down,
- tingle,
- tingling,
- toast,
- torch,
- torment,
- torrefy,
- torture,
- touch off,
- towel,
- trajectory,
- trauma,
- traumatize,
- tweak,
- twist,
- urtication,
- use,
- vandalize,
- velocity peak,
- vesicate,
- victimize,
- violate,
- vulcanize,
- wadi,
- warm,
- waste,
- watercourse,
- waterway,
- weazen,
- weld,
- windburn,
- wipe,
- wish,
- wither,
- wizen,
- wound,
- wounds immedicable,
- wreck,
- wrench,
- wring,
- yearn