able to be seen; "be sure of it; give me the ocular proof"- Shakespeare; "a visual presentation"; "a visual image"
relating to or using sight; "ocular inspection"; "an optical illusion"; "visual powers"; "visual navigation"
of or relating to or resembling the eye; "ocular muscles"; "an ocular organ"; "ocular diseases"; "the optic (or optical) axis of the eye"; "an ocular spot is a pigmented organ or part believed to be sensitive to light"
a painful burning sensation in the chest caused by gastroesophageal reflux (backflow from the stomach irritating the esophagus); symptomatic of an ulcer or a diaphragmatic hernia or other disorder
an apparatus for burning fuel (or refuse); "a diesel engine is an oil burner"
the heating elements of a stove or range on which pots and pans are placed for cooking; "the electric range had one large burner and three smaller one"
a casualty to military personnel resulting from combat
a figurative injury (to your feelings or pride); "he feared that mentioning it might reopen the wound"; "deep in her breast lives the silent wound"; "The right reader of a good poem can tell the moment it strikes him that he has taken an immortal wound--that he will never get over it"--Robert Frost
any break in the skin or an organ caused by violence or surgical incision
the work of making something smooth and shiny by rubbing or waxing it; "the shining of shoes provided a meager living"; "rbry Dunday he gave his car a good polishing"
marked by exceptional merit; "had shining virtues and few faults"; "a shining example"