Exact Match:
- business
- incidental activity performed by an actor for dramatic effect; "his business with the cane was hilarious"
- the volume of commercial activity; "business is good today"; "show me where the business was today"
- a rightful concern or responsibility; "it's none of your business"; "mind your own business"
- an immediate objective; "gossip was the main business of the evening"
- business concerns collectively; "Government and business could not agree"
- a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it; "he bought his brother's business"; "a small mom-and-pop business"; "a racially integrated business concern"
- Aktiengesellschaft,
- acting,
- action,
- activeness,
- activism,
- activity,
- affair,
- aktiebolag,
- allegiance,
- area,
- art,
- assigned task,
- attempt,
- balance of trade,
- big business,
- body corporate,
- bounden duty,
- buffoonery,
- burden,
- business dealings,
- business establishment,
- call of duty,
- calling,
- career,
- career building,
- careerism,
- cartel,
- chamber of commerce,
- characterization,
- charge,
- combine,
- commerce,
- commercial,
- commercial affairs,
- commercial enterprise,
- commercial relations,
- commitment,
- compagnie,
- company,
- concern,
- concernment,
- conglomerate,
- conglomerate corporation,
- consolidating company,
- consortium,
- contract,
- copartnership,
- corporate body,
- corporation,
- craft,
- custom,
- deal,
- dealing,
- dealings,
- dedication,
- deference,
- devoir,
- devotion,
- dingus,
- diversified corporation,
- dofunny,
- doing,
- doings,
- duties and responsibilities,
- duty,
- effort,
- employment,
- engagement,
- enterprise,
- establishment,
- ethics,
- fair trade,
- fealty,
- firm,
- free trade,
- function,
- gadget,
- gag,
- game,
- gizmo,
- goings-on,
- ham,
- hammy acting,
- handicraft,
- hoke,
- hokum,
- holding company,
- homage,
- hootenanny,
- house,
- imperative,
- impersonation,
- industrial,
- industry,
- intercourse,
- interest,
- issue,
- jigger,
- job,
- joint-stock association,
- joint-stock company,
- lifework,
- line,
- line of business,
- line of duty,
- line of work,
- lookout,
- loyalty,
- market,
- marketing,
- matter,
- mercantile,
- mercantile business,
- merchant,
- merchantry,
- metier,
- militancy,
- mimesis,
- mimicking,
- mimicry,
- miming,
- mission,
- motion,
- movement,
- multilateral trade,
- mummery,
- must,
- mystery,
- number,
- obligation,
- occasions,
- occupation,
- office,
- onus,
- operating company,
- operation,
- organization,
- ought,
- outfit,
- overacting,
- palaver,
- pantomiming,
- partnership,
- patter,
- performance,
- performing,
- personation,
- place,
- plan,
- playacting,
- playing,
- plunderbund,
- point,
- political activism,
- pool,
- portrayal,
- practice,
- problem,
- proceeding,
- proceedings,
- profession,
- program,
- project,
- projection,
- proposition,
- proprietorship,
- province,
- public utility,
- pursuit,
- question,
- racket,
- reciprocal trade,
- representation,
- respect,
- responsibility,
- restraint of trade,
- retail,
- role,
- self-imposed duty,
- slapstick,
- small business,
- specialization,
- specialty,
- stage business,
- stage directions,
- stage presence,
- stir,
- stock company,
- stunt,
- subject,
- syndicate,
- taking a role,
- task,
- the business world,
- the marketplace,
- thing,
- thingumajig,
- topic,
- trade,
- trade association,
- trading,
- traffic,
- transaction,
- truck,
- trust,
- undertaking,
- unilateral trade,
- utility,
- venture,
- vocation,
- walk,
- walk of life,
- wholesale,
- work