- acknowledgments,
- adage,
- ana,
- analects,
- aphorism,
- apothegm,
- axiom,
- back,
- back matter,
- bastard title,
- battle cry,
- bibliography,
- bugle call,
- byword,
- call to arms,
- call-up,
- catch line,
- catch phrase,
- clarion,
- clarion call,
- cliche,
- clue,
- collected sayings,
- colophon,
- conscription,
- contents,
- contents page,
- copyright page,
- cry,
- cue,
- cue word,
- current saying,
- dedication,
- device,
- dictate,
- dictum,
- distich,
- endleaf,
- endpaper,
- endsheet,
- epigram,
- epigraph,
- epithet,
- errata,
- evidence,
- exhortation,
- expression,
- fad word,
- flyleaf,
- folio,
- fore edge,
- foreword,
- front matter,
- gnome,
- go for broke,
- golden saying,
- gung ho,
- half-title page,
- head,
- hint,
- hot lead,
- imprint,
- index,
- inscription,
- intimation,
- introduction,
- key,
- key word,
- lead,
- leaf,
- levy,
- makeup,
- maxim,
- mobilization,
- moral,
- mot,
- motto,
- muster,
- oracle,
- page,
- pet expression,
- phrase,
- pithy saying,
- precept,
- preface,
- preliminaries,
- prescript,
- proverb,
- proverbial saying,
- proverbs,
- rally,
- rallying cry,
- rebel yell,
- recruitment,
- recto,
- reverso,
- running title,
- saw,
- saying,
- scent,
- sentence,
- sententious expression,
- shibboleth,
- signature,
- slogan,
- sloka,
- spoor,
- stock saying,
- subtitle,
- suggestion,
- sutra,
- table of contents,
- tag line,
- tail,
- teaching,
- telltale,
- text,
- tip-off,
- title,
- title page,
- trace,
- trim size,
- trumpet call,
- type page,
- verse,
- verso,
- vestige,
- vogue word,
- war cry,
- war whoop,
- watchword,
- whiff,
- wisdom,
- wisdom literature,
- wise saying,
- witticism,
- word,
- words of wisdom