Exact Match:
- chemical
- produced by or used in a reaction involving changes in atoms or molecules
- relating to or used in chemistry; "chemical engineer"; "chemical balance"
- of or made from or using substances produced by or used in reactions involving atomic or molecular changes; "chemical fertilizer"
- Chile saltpeter,
- absolute alcohol,
- acetate,
- acetone,
- acid,
- acidity,
- agent,
- alcohol,
- aldehyde,
- alkali,
- alkalinity,
- alloisomer,
- amine,
- ammonia,
- amyl alcohol,
- anhydride,
- anion,
- antacid,
- arsenate,
- arsenite,
- atom,
- base,
- basic,
- basic anhydride,
- benzoate,
- bicarbonate,
- bicarbonate of soda,
- bichloride of mercury,
- biochemical,
- bisulfate,
- borate,
- borax,
- bromide,
- calcium carbonate,
- calcium hydroxide,
- carbide,
- carbohydrate,
- carbon dioxide,
- carbon monoxide,
- carbonate,
- cation,
- chemical element,
- chemicals,
- chemicobiological,
- chemicoengineering,
- chemicomineralogical,
- chemicophysical,
- chemurgic,
- chlorate,
- chlorite,
- chromate,
- chromoisomer,
- citrate,
- compound,
- copolymer,
- copolymeric,
- copolymerous,
- copperas,
- cyanide,
- dehydrated alcohol,
- dichromate,
- dimer,
- dimeric,
- dimerous,
- dioxide,
- disulfide,
- electrochemical,
- element,
- elemental,
- elementary,
- ester,
- ethanol,
- ether,
- ethyl,
- ethyl alcohol,
- fluoride,
- formaldehyde,
- fulminate,
- halide,
- halogen,
- heavy chemicals,
- heteromerous,
- high polymer,
- homopolymer,
- hydracid,
- hydrate,
- hydride,
- hydrocarbon,
- hydroxide,
- hypochlorite,
- inorganic chemical,
- inorganic chemistry,
- iodide,
- ion,
- isomer,
- isomerous,
- isopropyl alcohol,
- ketone,
- lactate,
- macrochemical,
- macromolecule,
- metamer,
- metameric,
- methane,
- methanol,
- methyl,
- methyl alcohol,
- molecule,
- monomer,
- monomerous,
- monoxide,
- neutralizer,
- niter,
- nitrate,
- nitride,
- nitrite,
- nonacid,
- organic chemical,
- oxalate,
- oxide,
- oxyacid,
- permanganate,
- peroxide,
- petrochemical,
- phosphate,
- phosphide,
- photochemical,
- physicochemical,
- phytochemical,
- polymer,
- polymeric,
- potash,
- potassium nitrate,
- pseudoisomer,
- radical,
- radiochemical,
- reagent,
- sal ammoniac,
- salt,
- saltpeter,
- silicate,
- sodium bicarbonate,
- sodium bromide,
- sodium chloride,
- sodium hypochlorite,
- sulfacid,
- sulfate,
- sulfide,
- sulfite,
- tartrate,
- thermochemical,
- trimer