a mountainous region of northern Scotland famous for its rugged beauty; known for the style of dress (the kilt and tartan) and the clan system (now in disuse)
large gallinaceous bird with fan-shaped tail; widely domesticated for food
an event that fails badly or is totally ineffectual; "the first experiment was a real turkey"; "the meeting was a dud as far as new business was concerned"
flesh of large domesticated fowl usually roasted
a Eurasian republic in Asia Minor and the Balkans; achieved independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1923
an earthy type of jazz combining it with blues and soul; has a heavy bass line that accentuates the first beat in the bar
United States biochemist (born in Poland) who showed that several diseases were caused by dietary deficiencies and who coined the term `vitamin' for the chemicals involved (1884-1967)
any of numerous small rodents typically resembling diminutive rats having pointed snouts and small ears on elongated bodies with slender usually hairless tails
a hand-operated electronic device that controls the coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen as you move it around on a pad; on the bottom of the device is a ball that rolls on the surface of the pad; "a mouse takes much more room than a trackball"