Exact Match:
- circumstantial
- fully detailed and specific about particulars; "a circumstantial report about the debate"
- absolute,
- accessory,
- accidental,
- accompanying,
- accurate,
- additional,
- adducible,
- admissible,
- ado,
- adscititious,
- adventitious,
- afloat,
- afoot,
- aleatory,
- appurtenant,
- ascititious,
- attestative,
- attestive,
- authentic,
- auxiliary,
- based on,
- blow-by-blow,
- casual,
- certain,
- chance,
- close,
- collateral,
- complete,
- conclusive,
- conditional,
- contingent,
- convincing,
- cumulative,
- current,
- damning,
- decisive,
- deduced,
- detailed,
- determinative,
- documentary,
- documented,
- doing,
- eventuating,
- evidential,
- evidentiary,
- ex parte,
- exact,
- explicit,
- extra,
- extraneous,
- eye-witness,
- factual,
- final,
- firsthand,
- fortuitous,
- founded on,
- full,
- going on,
- grounded on,
- happening,
- hearsay,
- implicative,
- implicit,
- implied,
- in hand,
- in the wind,
- incidental,
- incontrovertible,
- indicative,
- indirect,
- indisputable,
- inessential,
- inferential,
- inferred,
- interpretive,
- irrefutable,
- irresistible,
- itemized,
- material,
- minute,
- nice,
- nonessential,
- nuncupative,
- occasional,
- occurring,
- on,
- on foot,
- ongoing,
- overwhelming,
- particular,
- particularized,
- passing,
- precise,
- presumable,
- presumed,
- presumptive,
- prevailing,
- prevalent,
- probative,
- provisional,
- reliable,
- replete,
- resultant,
- secondary,
- significant,
- specific,
- strict,
- subsidiary,
- suggestive,
- superadded,
- superfluous,
- supervenient,
- supplemental,
- supplementary,
- sure,
- symptomatic,
- taking place,
- telling,
- thorough,
- under way,
- unessential,
- unimportant,
- valid,
- weighty