- avoid,
- baffle,
- balk,
- bamboozle,
- beat,
- befool,
- beg,
- beguile,
- betray,
- bilk,
- blast,
- bluff,
- brave,
- burke,
- bypass,
- cajole,
- challenge,
- cheat on,
- checkmate,
- circle,
- circuit,
- circuiteer,
- circulate,
- circumambulate,
- circummigrate,
- circumnavigate,
- close the circle,
- come full circle,
- compass,
- confound,
- confront,
- conjure,
- contravene,
- counter,
- counteract,
- countermand,
- counterwork,
- cross,
- cycle,
- dash,
- deceive,
- defeat,
- defy,
- delude,
- describe a circle,
- destroy,
- detour,
- diddle,
- disappoint,
- discomfit,
- disconcert,
- discountenance,
- dish,
- disrupt,
- ditch,
- double,
- double-cross,
- dupe,
- elude,
- encircle,
- encompass,
- escape,
- evade,
- flank,
- flummox,
- foil,
- forestall,
- frustrate,
- gammon,
- get around,
- get away from,
- get out of,
- get round,
- girdle,
- girdle the globe,
- give the runaround,
- give the slip,
- go about,
- go around,
- go one better,
- go round,
- go the round,
- gull,
- gyre,
- hoax,
- hocus-pocus,
- hoodwink,
- hornswaggle,
- humbug,
- juggle,
- knock the chocks,
- lap,
- let down,
- make a circuit,
- mock,
- nonplus,
- orbit,
- outfigure,
- outflank,
- outgeneral,
- outguess,
- outmaneuver,
- outplay,
- outreach,
- outsmart,
- outwit,
- overreach,
- pass the buck,
- perplex,
- pigeon,
- play one false,
- put something over,
- revolve,
- round,
- ruin,
- sabotage,
- scotch,
- shake,
- shake off,
- shuffle out of,
- sidestep,
- skirt,
- snow,
- spike,
- spiral,
- spoil,
- stonewall,
- string along,
- stump,
- surround,
- take in,
- thwart,
- trick,
- two-time,
- upset,
- victimize,
- wheel