lacking in insight or discernment; "too obtuse to grasp the implications of his behavior"; "a purblind oligarchy that flatly refused to see that history was condemning it to the dustbin"- Jasper Griffin
hostile to or disruptive of normal standards of social behavior; "criminal behavior or conduct that violates the rights of other individuals is antisocial"; "crimes...and other asocial behavior"; "an antisocial deed"
shunning contact with others; "standoffish and antisocial"; "he's not antisocial; just shy"
the number that remains after subtraction; the number that when added to the subtrahend gives the minuend
the part of the dividend that is left over when the dividend is not evenly divisible by the divisor
something left after other parts have been taken away; "there was no remainder"; "he threw away the rest"; "he took what he wanted and I got the balance"
sell cheaply as remainders; "The publisher remaindered the books"