Exact Match:
- convenient
- easy to reach; "found a handy spot for the can opener"
- suited to your comfort or purpose or needs; "a convenient excuse for not going"
- accessible,
- adaptable,
- adjacent,
- advantageous,
- advisable,
- all-around,
- appropriate,
- at hand,
- auspicious,
- available,
- becoming,
- befitting,
- close,
- close at hand,
- close-by,
- comfortable,
- comfy,
- commodious,
- congruous,
- contented,
- convenient to,
- cozy,
- cushioned,
- cushiony,
- cushy,
- decent,
- desirable,
- ductile,
- easeful,
- easily reached,
- easy,
- expedient,
- favorable,
- feasible,
- felicitous,
- fit,
- fitten,
- fitting,
- flexible,
- foolproof,
- fortunate,
- friendly,
- fructuous,
- good,
- handy,
- happy,
- helpful,
- homelike,
- homely,
- homey,
- immediate,
- likely,
- lived-in,
- lucky,
- luxurious,
- malleable,
- manageable,
- maneuverable,
- meet,
- near,
- nearby,
- next,
- nigh,
- of all work,
- on call,
- on deck,
- on hand,
- on tap,
- opportune,
- peaceful,
- pliable,
- pliant,
- politic,
- practical,
- profitable,
- proper,
- propinquant,
- propinquous,
- propitious,
- providential,
- ready,
- ready at hand,
- recommendable,
- relaxing,
- reposeful,
- restful,
- right,
- ripe,
- roomy,
- seasonable,
- seemly,
- serviceable,
- snug,
- soft,
- sortable,
- suitable,
- timely,
- to be desired,
- to hand,
- tractable,
- untroublesome,
- useful,
- versatile,
- warm,
- well-timed,
- wieldable,
- wieldy,
- wise,
- worthwhile,
- yielding