a bewildering profusion; "the duties of citizenship are lost sight of in the wilderness of interests of individuals and groups"; "a wilderness of masts in the harbor"
a wild and uninhabited area left in its natural condition; "it was a wilderness preserved for the hawks and mountaineers"
a wooded region in northeastern Virginia near Spotsylvania where inconclusive battles were fought in the American Civil War
(politics) a state of disfavor; "he led the Democratic party back from the wilderness"
an animal that produces gametes (spermatozoa) that can fertilize female gametes (ova)
the capital of Maldives in the center of the islands
a person who belongs to the sex that cannot have babies
being the sex (of plant or animal) that produces gametes (spermatozoa) that perform the fertilizing function in generation; "a male infant"; "a male holly tree"
for or pertaining to or composed of men or boys; "the male lead"; "the male population"
characteristic of a man; "a deep male voice"; "manly sports"
ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance; "was boorish and insensitive"; "the loutish manners of a bully"; "her stupid oafish husband"; "aristocratic contempt for the swinish multitude"