Exact Match:
- crib
- the cards discarded by players at cribbage
- baby bed with high sides made of slats
- a bin or granary for storing grains
- line with beams or planks; "crib a construction hole"
- take unauthorized (intellectual material)
- use a crib, as in an exam
- Colonial bed,
- Hollywood bed,
- Nissen hut,
- Quonset hut,
- abiding place,
- abode,
- abstract,
- act like,
- address,
- affect,
- amplification,
- and,
- annex,
- appropriate,
- archives,
- armory,
- arsenal,
- assume,
- attic,
- bag,
- bagnio,
- bank,
- basement,
- bassinet,
- bawdy house,
- bawdyhouse,
- bay,
- beat,
- bed-davenport,
- beef,
- beguile of,
- bellyache,
- berth,
- betting house,
- betting parlor,
- bilingual text,
- bilk,
- bin,
- blast,
- blow off,
- bonded warehouse,
- bookcase,
- boost,
- booth,
- bordello,
- borrow,
- bottle up,
- box,
- box in,
- box up,
- brothel,
- bunco,
- bunk,
- bunk bed,
- bunker,
- burn,
- buttery,
- cabin,
- cage,
- camp bed,
- cantonment,
- cargo dock,
- casino,
- casket,
- cathouse,
- cavity,
- cell,
- cellar,
- cellule,
- chamber,
- cheat,
- check,
- chest,
- chisel,
- chorus,
- chouse,
- chouse out of,
- clavis,
- cloister,
- closet,
- coffin,
- cog,
- cog the dice,
- compartment,
- con,
- confine,
- conservatory,
- constrain,
- coop,
- coop in,
- coop up,
- cop,
- copy,
- cork up,
- cot,
- counterfeit,
- cozen,
- crab,
- cradle,
- cramp,
- crash pad,
- crate,
- crypt,
- cupboard,
- day bed,
- decipherment,
- decoding,
- defraud,
- den,
- den of vice,
- depository,
- depot,
- detain,
- diddle,
- disorderly house,
- ditto,
- dive,
- do,
- do in,
- do like,
- do out of,
- dock,
- domicile,
- domus,
- door bed,
- double bed,
- double bunk,
- drawer,
- dump,
- duplex bed,
- dwelling,
- dwelling place,
- echo,
- elevator,
- embezzle,
- encage,
- encase,
- enclose,
- enclosed space,
- entomb,
- euchre,
- exchequer,
- extort,
- faithful translation,
- fake,
- feather bed,
- fence in,
- filch,
- finagle,
- flam,
- flat,
- fleece,
- flimflam,
- fob,
- fold-away bed,
- forge,
- four-poster,
- free translation,
- fudge,
- fuss,
- gambling den,
- gambling hall,
- gambling hell,
- gambling house,
- gaming house,
- garner,
- gatehouse,
- glory hole,
- gloss,
- glossary,
- go like,
- godown,
- gouge,
- grain bin,
- grain elevator,
- granary,
- gull,
- gyp,
- habitation,
- hammock,
- have,
- hayloft,
- haymow,
- hayrick,
- hell,
- hem in,
- hocus,
- hocus-pocus,
- hoke,
- hoke up,
- hold,
- hold in custody,
- hold in restraint,
- hole,
- hollow,
- hook,
- hospital bed,
- house of assignation,
- house of joy,
- house of prostitution,
- hut,
- hutch,
- imitate,
- immure,
- impound,
- infringe a copyright,
- inhibit,
- interlinear,
- interlinear translation,
- joint,
- keep in,
- keep in custody,
- keep in detention,
- key,
- king-size bed,
- kiosk,
- lean-to,
- library,
- lift,
- locker,
- lodging,
- lodging place,
- lodgment,
- loose translation,
- lower berth,
- lumber room,
- lumberyard,
- magasin,
- magazine,
- make like,
- make off with,
- manger,
- metaphrase,
- mew,
- mew up,
- mirror,
- mow,
- mulct,
- nest,
- nip,
- outbuilding,
- outhouse,
- pack the deal,
- pad,
- pallet,
- palm,
- panel bed,
- panel den,
- panel house,
- paraphrase,
- pavilion,
- pen,
- pen up,
- pew,
- pigeon,
- pilfer,
- pinch,
- pipe berth,
- pirate,
- place,
- place to live,
- plagiarize,
- poach,
- pony,
- poolroom,
- poster bed,
- pound,
- practice fraud upon,
- purloin,
- quarter berth,
- queen-size bed,
- rack,
- rail in,
- red-light district,
- reecho,
- reflect,
- repeat,
- repertory,
- repository,
- reservoir,
- residence,
- restatement,
- restrain,
- restrict,
- rewording,
- rick,
- roll-away bed,
- roof,
- rook,
- run away with,
- rustle,
- scam,
- screw,
- scrounge,
- seal up,
- seat,
- sell gold bricks,
- sentry box,
- shack,
- shackle,
- shanty,
- shave,
- shed,
- shelf,
- shoplift,
- shortchange,
- shut in,
- shut up,
- silo,
- simulate,
- single bed,
- sink of iniquity,
- snare,
- snatch,
- snitch,
- sofa-bed,
- sporting house,
- squawk,
- stack,
- stack room,
- stack the cards,
- stall,
- steal,
- stew,
- stews,
- stick,
- sting,
- stock room,
- storage,
- store,
- storehouse,
- storeroom,
- straiten,
- supply base,
- supply depot,
- swindle,
- swipe,
- take,
- take a dive,
- tank,
- tenderloin,
- tester bed,
- thieve,
- thimblerig,
- three-quarter bed,
- throw a fight,
- tollbooth,
- tollhouse,
- transcription,
- translation,
- transliteration,
- treasure house,
- treasure room,
- treasury,
- trot,
- truckle bed,
- trundle bed,
- vat,
- vault,
- victimize,
- walk off with,
- wall in,
- warehouse,
- whorehouse,
- wine cellar,
- yammer