Exact Match:
- definitive
- supplying or being a final or conclusive settlement; "a definitive verdict"; "a determinate answer to the problem"
- clearly defined or formulated; "the plain and unequivocal language of the laws"- R.B.Taney
- absolute,
- accurate,
- actual,
- admitting no exception,
- all-out,
- arrant,
- authoritative,
- boundary,
- categorical,
- caudal,
- clarifying,
- classical,
- clean-cut,
- clear,
- clear-cut,
- closing,
- complete,
- completing,
- concluding,
- conclusive,
- confining,
- consummate,
- crass,
- decided,
- decisive,
- defining,
- definite,
- determinate,
- determinative,
- determining,
- downright,
- egregious,
- ending,
- endmost,
- entire,
- eventual,
- exact,
- exclusive,
- exhaustive,
- explicit,
- express,
- extreme,
- farthest,
- final,
- finishing,
- fixed,
- flagrant,
- flat,
- flat-out,
- glaring,
- global,
- gross,
- implicit,
- inappealable,
- indisputable,
- intolerable,
- last,
- limitary,
- limitative,
- limiting,
- out-and-out,
- outright,
- peremptory,
- perfect,
- polar,
- positive,
- precious,
- precise,
- profound,
- pronounced,
- proper,
- rank,
- real,
- regular,
- reliable,
- restricting,
- restrictive,
- round,
- settling,
- shattering,
- shocking,
- specific,
- stark,
- stark-staring,
- straight,
- straight-out,
- superlative,
- surpassing,
- tail,
- terminal,
- terminating,
- terminative,
- the veriest,
- thorough,
- thoroughgoing,
- through and through,
- total,
- ultimate,
- unambiguous,
- unbearable,
- uncircumscribed,
- unconditional,
- unconditioned,
- unconscionable,
- undeniable,
- undoubting,
- unequivocal,
- unhampered,
- unhesitating,
- unlimited,
- unmistakable,
- unmitigated,
- unqualified,
- unquestioning,
- unrelieved,
- unreserved,
- unrestricted,
- unspoiled,
- unwaivable,
- utter,
- whole,
- without exception,
- without reserve