Exact Match:
- deposit
- the act of putting something somewhere
- a payment given as a guarantee that an obligation will be met
- the phenomenon of sediment or gravel accumulating
- money given as security for an article acquired for temporary use; "his deposit was refunded when he returned the car"
- money deposited in a bank
- put into a bank account; "She deposits her paycheck every month"
- accumulation,
- acquitment,
- acquittal,
- acquittance,
- allocation,
- alluvion,
- alluvium,
- amortization,
- amortizement,
- ash,
- assignment,
- bank,
- binder,
- bond,
- bosom,
- bottle up,
- bottomry,
- bundle away,
- bury,
- cache,
- cash,
- cash payment,
- caution,
- caution money,
- chimney,
- chute,
- cinder,
- clearance,
- clinker,
- coffer,
- collateral,
- collateral security,
- collocation,
- consign,
- country rock,
- debris,
- debt service,
- defrayal,
- defrayment,
- deployment,
- deposition,
- deposits,
- detritus,
- dike,
- diluvium,
- disbursal,
- discharge,
- disposition,
- doling out,
- down payment,
- draff,
- dregs,
- drift,
- drop,
- dross,
- earnest,
- earnest money,
- ember,
- embosom,
- emplacement,
- entrust,
- feces,
- file,
- file and forget,
- forfeit,
- froth,
- gangue,
- go bail,
- grounds,
- handsel,
- hide away,
- hire purchase,
- hire purchase plan,
- hock,
- hutch,
- hypothecate,
- impignorate,
- installment,
- installment plan,
- interest payment,
- keep,
- keep hidden,
- keep secret,
- lading,
- lay,
- lay away,
- lay down,
- lay in,
- lay in store,
- leave,
- lees,
- liquidation,
- loading,
- localization,
- locating,
- location,
- lock up,
- lode,
- lodestuff,
- lodge,
- loess,
- margin,
- matrix,
- mineral deposit,
- monthly payments,
- moraine,
- mortgage,
- never-never,
- offscum,
- ore bed,
- pack away,
- packing,
- pawn,
- pay dirt,
- paying,
- paying off,
- paying out,
- paying up,
- payment,
- payment in kind,
- payoff,
- pinpointing,
- place,
- placement,
- placing,
- plant,
- pledge,
- plunk down,
- positioning,
- post,
- posting,
- precipitate,
- precipitation,
- prepayment,
- put,
- put away,
- put down,
- put in hock,
- put in pawn,
- put up,
- putting,
- quarterly payments,
- quittance,
- regular payments,
- remittance,
- repose,
- reposit,
- reposition,
- reservoir,
- rest,
- retirement,
- salt away,
- salt down,
- satisfaction,
- save,
- scoria,
- scree,
- scum,
- seal up,
- secrete,
- sediment,
- sedimentate,
- sedimentation,
- set aside,
- set down,
- settlement,
- settlings,
- shoot,
- silt,
- sinking-fund payment,
- sinter,
- situation,
- slag,
- smut,
- soot,
- spawn,
- spot cash,
- spotting,
- spout,
- stake,
- stash,
- stationing,
- stock,
- storage,
- store,
- store away,
- stow,
- stow away,
- stow down,
- stowage,
- sublimate,
- vein,
- warehouse,
- weekly payments