- Doppler effect,
- about-face,
- abstraction,
- accommodation,
- adaptation,
- adjustment,
- alienation,
- alteration,
- amelioration,
- apostasy,
- arrearage,
- arrhythmia,
- betterment,
- breach,
- break,
- brokenness,
- caesura,
- capriciousness,
- change,
- change of heart,
- changeableness,
- choppiness,
- clearance,
- constructive change,
- continuity,
- conversion,
- defalcation,
- defect,
- defection,
- deficiency,
- deficit,
- degeneration,
- degenerative change,
- deracination,
- desultoriness,
- detachment,
- deterioration,
- deviation,
- difference,
- disarrangement,
- disarticulation,
- disassociation,
- disconnectedness,
- disconnection,
- disengagement,
- disjointing,
- disjunction,
- dislocation,
- displacement,
- distance between,
- disunion,
- divergence,
- diversification,
- diversion,
- diversity,
- division,
- divorce,
- divorcement,
- double space,
- eccentricity,
- em space,
- en space,
- erraticness,
- fibrillation,
- fitfulness,
- fits and starts,
- fitting,
- flip-flop,
- fluctuation,
- forcible shift,
- freeboard,
- gap,
- gradual change,
- hair space,
- half space,
- heterotopia,
- hiatus,
- hole,
- improvement,
- incoherence,
- inconstancy,
- interim,
- intermediate space,
- intermittence,
- interruption,
- interspace,
- interstice,
- interval,
- irregularity,
- isolation,
- jerkiness,
- jump,
- lack,
- lacuna,
- leap,
- leeway,
- luxation,
- margin,
- melioration,
- missing link,
- mitigation,
- modification,
- modulation,
- need,
- nonuniformity,
- omission,
- opening,
- outage,
- overthrow,
- parting,
- partition,
- patchiness,
- qualification,
- radical change,
- re-creation,
- realignment,
- red shift,
- redesign,
- reform,
- reformation,
- remaking,
- removal,
- renewal,
- reshaping,
- restructuring,
- reversal,
- revival,
- revivification,
- revolution,
- ripping out,
- room,
- roughness,
- segmentation,
- separation,
- separatism,
- shift,
- shortage,
- single space,
- space,
- space between,
- spasticity,
- sporadicity,
- sporadicness,
- spottiness,
- stagger,
- subdivision,
- subtraction,
- sudden change,
- switch,
- time interval,
- total change,
- transition,
- turn,
- turnabout,
- ullage,
- uncertainty,
- unevenness,
- unhinging,
- unjointing,
- unmethodicalness,
- unpredictability,
- unsteadiness,
- unsystematicness,
- upheaval,
- uprooting,
- variability,
- variation,
- variety,
- violent change,
- want,
- wantage,
- whimsicality,
- withdrawal,
- wobble,
- worsening,
- zoning