Exact Match:
- discriminating
- showing or indicating careful judgment and discernment especially in matters of taste; "the discriminating eye of the connoisseur"
- accurate,
- adoptive,
- appointive,
- appreciative,
- careful,
- censorious,
- characteristic,
- characterizing,
- choicy,
- choosing,
- choosy,
- circumspect,
- civilized,
- conscientious,
- considerate,
- constituent,
- contrastive,
- critical,
- cultivated,
- cultured,
- dainty,
- delicate,
- diacritical,
- diagnostic,
- differencing,
- differential,
- differentiative,
- discerning,
- discreet,
- discriminate,
- discriminative,
- distinctive,
- distinguishing,
- eclectic,
- elective,
- electoral,
- elegant,
- enlightened,
- exact,
- exacting,
- fastidious,
- fine,
- fussy,
- graceful,
- gracile,
- gracious,
- idiosyncratic,
- individualizing,
- individuating,
- judgmatic,
- judicial,
- judicious,
- keen,
- meticulous,
- nice,
- particular,
- peculiar,
- perceptive,
- perfectionistic,
- personalizing,
- picky,
- polished,
- politic,
- precise,
- precisianistic,
- priggish,
- provident,
- prudent,
- prudential,
- prudish,
- punctilious,
- puristic,
- puritanic,
- refined,
- reflecting,
- reflective,
- scrupulous,
- select,
- selecting,
- selective,
- sensitive,
- separative,
- sophisticated,
- strict,
- subtle,
- tactful,
- thoughtful,
- well-advised,
- well-judged,
- wise