Exact Match:
- dispatch
- the act of sending off something
- killing a person or animal
- the property of being prompt and efficient; "it was done with dispatch"
- an official report (usually sent in haste)
- kill without delay; "the traitor was dispatched by the conspirators"
- send away towards a designated goal
- dispose of rapidly and without delay and efficiently; "He dispatched the task he was assigned"
- complete or carry out; "discharge one's duties"
- accelerate,
- accomplish,
- accomplished fact,
- accomplishment,
- account,
- achieve,
- achievement,
- acknowledgment,
- acquaintance,
- address,
- administration,
- advice,
- agility,
- air speed,
- air-express,
- airfreight,
- airmail,
- alacrity,
- annihilate,
- announcement,
- answer,
- assassinate,
- assassination,
- attain,
- attainment,
- bane,
- bereave of life,
- billet,
- blood,
- bloodletting,
- bloodshed,
- blue book,
- braining,
- briefing,
- briskness,
- bulletin,
- bump off,
- bundle,
- bury,
- business letter,
- bustle,
- carry away,
- carry off,
- carrying out,
- celerity,
- chit,
- chloroform,
- commission,
- communication,
- communique,
- compass,
- complete,
- completion,
- conclude,
- conduct,
- consign,
- consume,
- consummate,
- consummation,
- convey,
- cope with,
- crowd,
- cut down,
- cut off,
- data,
- datum,
- deal with,
- dealing death,
- decisiveness,
- deprive of life,
- destroy,
- destruction,
- destruction of life,
- devour,
- directory,
- discharge,
- disposal,
- dispose of,
- do,
- do away with,
- do for,
- do in,
- do the job,
- do the trick,
- do to death,
- document,
- down,
- drive on,
- drop a letter,
- eat up,
- effect,
- effectuate,
- effectuation,
- eliminate,
- embark,
- embassy,
- enact,
- enactment,
- end,
- enlightenment,
- epistle,
- erase,
- euthanasia,
- evidence,
- execute,
- execution,
- expedite,
- expedition,
- expeditiousness,
- export,
- express,
- exterminate,
- extermination,
- facts,
- factual information,
- fait accompli,
- familiarization,
- fastness,
- favor,
- fetch,
- finish,
- finish off,
- flight,
- flit,
- flow of blood,
- flurry,
- forward,
- freight,
- fruition,
- fulfill,
- fulfillment,
- gen,
- general information,
- get,
- get away with,
- get done,
- get down,
- get through,
- goodwill,
- gore,
- ground speed,
- guidebook,
- gun down,
- handle,
- handling,
- handout,
- hard information,
- haste,
- hasten,
- hasten on,
- hie on,
- hit,
- hurry,
- hurry along,
- hurry on,
- hurry up,
- hustle,
- hustle up,
- ice,
- immediacy,
- immediateness,
- immolate,
- immolation,
- implementation,
- incidental information,
- info,
- information,
- ingest,
- instantaneousness,
- instruction,
- intelligence,
- kill,
- killing,
- knock off,
- knots,
- knowledge,
- lapidation,
- launch into eternity,
- lay,
- letter,
- light,
- lightning speed,
- line,
- liquidate,
- lynch,
- mail,
- make,
- make away with,
- manage,
- management,
- martyr,
- martyrdom,
- martyrization,
- martyrize,
- mention,
- mercy killing,
- message,
- miles per hour,
- mission accomplished,
- missive,
- murder,
- news item,
- nimbleness,
- note,
- notice,
- notification,
- perform,
- performance,
- perpetration,
- piece,
- pneumatogram,
- poison,
- poisoning,
- polish off,
- post,
- precipitate,
- precipitation,
- presentation,
- press,
- produce,
- production,
- promotional material,
- promptitude,
- promptness,
- proof,
- publication,
- publicity,
- punctuality,
- punctualness,
- purge,
- push,
- push on,
- push through,
- put away,
- put down,
- put to death,
- put to sleep,
- quicken,
- quickness,
- railroad through,
- rapidity,
- readiness,
- realization,
- realize,
- release,
- remit,
- remove from life,
- reply,
- report,
- rescript,
- ritual killing,
- ritual murder,
- round pace,
- route,
- rpm,
- rub out,
- rush,
- rush along,
- rustle,
- sacrifice,
- send,
- send away,
- send forth,
- send off,
- sharpness,
- ship,
- shooting,
- sidelight,
- silence,
- slaughter,
- slay,
- slaying,
- smartness,
- snappiness,
- speed,
- speed along,
- speed up,
- speediness,
- spryness,
- spur,
- stampede,
- starve,
- statement,
- stoning,
- story,
- succeed,
- success,
- summariness,
- surround,
- swallow,
- swift rate,
- swiftness,
- take care of,
- take down,
- take in,
- take life,
- take off,
- taking of life,
- telegram,
- the dope,
- the goods,
- the know,
- the scoop,
- transact,
- transaction,
- transmission,
- transmit,
- tuck in,
- turn the trick,
- urge,
- velocity,
- waste,
- whip,
- whip along,
- white book,
- white paper,
- word,
- work,
- work out,
- zap