Exact Match:
- dispose
- make receptive or willing towards an action or attitude or belief; "Their language inclines us to believe them"
- give, sell, or transfer to another; "She disposed of her parents' possessions"
- adjust,
- administer,
- affect,
- aim,
- align,
- allocate,
- allot,
- apportion,
- arrange,
- array,
- assign,
- bear,
- bend,
- bend to,
- bestow,
- bias,
- bring,
- call the shots,
- carry,
- collocate,
- color,
- compose,
- conclude,
- conduce,
- consume,
- contribute,
- control,
- cool off,
- deal,
- deal out,
- deal with,
- decide,
- demolish,
- deploy,
- destroy,
- determine,
- devour,
- direct,
- disburse,
- discard,
- dispense,
- disperse,
- dispose of,
- distribute,
- do away with,
- dole,
- dole out,
- dump,
- eat,
- emplace,
- engage,
- enlist,
- finish off,
- fix,
- form,
- get a fix,
- get rid of,
- get to do,
- give away,
- give out,
- go,
- govern,
- grade,
- group,
- guide,
- harmonize,
- have a tendency,
- head,
- hierarchize,
- hold a heading,
- home in on,
- incline,
- induce,
- influence,
- install,
- interest in,
- issue,
- jettison,
- junk,
- knock off,
- lay out,
- lead,
- lean,
- line,
- line up,
- localize,
- locate,
- look to,
- lure,
- make over,
- marshal,
- measure out,
- mete,
- mete out,
- methodize,
- motivate,
- move,
- navigate,
- normalize,
- order,
- organize,
- pacify,
- parcel out,
- part with,
- pass around,
- pay out,
- persuade,
- pin down,
- pinpoint,
- place,
- point,
- point to,
- polish off,
- portion out,
- position,
- predispose,
- procure,
- prompt,
- put,
- put away,
- put in place,
- quiet,
- rally,
- range,
- rank,
- redound to,
- regiment,
- regularize,
- regulate,
- routinize,
- rule,
- scrap,
- sell,
- serve,
- set,
- set out,
- set toward,
- set up,
- settle,
- show a tendency,
- situate,
- soften up,
- space,
- spoon out,
- spot,
- standardize,
- steer,
- structure,
- sway,
- systematize,
- tempt,
- tend,
- tend to go,
- throw away,
- throw out,
- tinge,
- tone,
- tranquilize,
- transfer,
- trash,
- trend,
- triangulate,
- turn,
- urge,
- verge,
- warp,
- wear down,
- wear the pants,
- weigh with,
- work,
- work toward,
- zero in on