Exact Match:
- distract
- draw someone's attention away from something; "The thief distracted the bystanders"; "He deflected his competitors"
- absorb,
- addle,
- agitate,
- amuse,
- ball up,
- befuddle,
- beguile,
- bemuse,
- bewilder,
- blunt,
- bother,
- bug,
- call away,
- chill,
- confound,
- confuse,
- convulse,
- cool,
- craze,
- damp,
- dampen,
- daze,
- deflect,
- delight,
- dement,
- derange,
- deter,
- detract,
- detract attention,
- disaffect,
- discompose,
- disconcert,
- discourage,
- disincline,
- disinterest,
- disturb,
- divert,
- divert the mind,
- drive insane,
- drive mad,
- embroil,
- engross,
- entertain,
- fluster,
- frenzy,
- fuddle,
- gratify,
- indispose,
- interest,
- mad,
- madden,
- make mad,
- mix up,
- mystify,
- occupy,
- perplex,
- perturb,
- psych,
- put off,
- puzzle,
- quench,
- rattle,
- repel,
- send mad,
- shatter,
- sidetrack,
- spook,
- throw,
- throw into confusion,
- throw off,
- trouble,
- turn aside,
- turn away,
- turn from,
- turn off,
- unbalance,
- unhinge,
- unsettle,
- upset,
- wean from