Exact Match:
- distribute
- give out; "The teacher handed out the exams"
- administer or bestow, as in small portions; "administer critical remarks to everyone present"; "dole out some money"; "shell out pocket money for the children"; "deal a blow to someone"
- make available; "The publisher wants to distribute the book in Asia"
- be mathematically distributive
- be distributed or spread, as in statistical analyses; "Values distribute"
- spread throughout a given area; "the function distributes the values evenly"
- administer,
- align,
- allocate,
- allot,
- apportion,
- arrange,
- array,
- assign,
- assort,
- bestow,
- bestrew,
- broadcast,
- categorize,
- circulate,
- circumfuse,
- class,
- classify,
- collocate,
- come across with,
- compose,
- convey,
- deal,
- deal out,
- deliver,
- deliver over,
- diffract,
- diffuse,
- disburse,
- dish out,
- dispense,
- disperse,
- dispose,
- dispread,
- disseminate,
- diverge,
- divide,
- divide up,
- dole,
- dole out,
- donate,
- dribble,
- fan out,
- file,
- fix,
- fork over,
- forward,
- give,
- give in,
- give out,
- give over,
- group,
- hand,
- hand in,
- hand out,
- hand over,
- issue,
- line,
- line up,
- marshal,
- measure out,
- mete,
- mete out,
- order,
- overscatter,
- oversow,
- overspread,
- parcel,
- parcel out,
- partition,
- pass,
- pass around,
- pass out,
- pass over,
- pay out,
- place,
- portion,
- portion out,
- present,
- propagate,
- prorate,
- publish,
- radiate,
- rally,
- range,
- ration,
- reach,
- regiment,
- render,
- resign,
- retail,
- scatter,
- set out,
- share out,
- sort,
- sow,
- sow broadcast,
- space,
- splay,
- spoon out,
- spread,
- spread out,
- strew,
- surrender,
- transfer,
- turn over,
- utter