at or in the front; "I see the lights of a town ahead"; "the road ahead is foggy"; "staring straight ahead"; "we couldn't see over the heads of the people in front"; "with the cross of Jesus marching on before"
ahead of time; in anticipation; "when you pay ahead (or in advance) you receive a discount"; "We like to plan ahead"; "should have made reservations beforehand"
in a forward direction; "go ahead"; "the train moved ahead slowly"; "the boat lurched ahead"; "moved onward into the forest"; "they went slowly forward in the mud"
leading or ahead in a competition; "the horse was three lengths ahead going into the home stretch"; "ahead by two pawns"; "our candidate is in the lead in the polls"; "way out front in the race"; "the advertising campaign put them out front in sales"
to a different or a more advanced time (meaning advanced either toward the present or toward the future); "moved the appointment ahead from Tuesday to Monday"; "pushed the deadline ahead from Tuesday to Wednesday"
to a more advanced or advantageous position; "a young man sure to get ahead"; "pushing talented students ahead"
toward the future; forward in time; "I like to look ahead in imagination to what the future may bring"; "I look forward to seeing you"
having or expressing dignity; especially formality or stateliness in bearing or appearance; "her dignified demeanor"; "the director of the school was a dignified white-haired gentleman"
a massive monument with a square base and four triangular sides; begun by Cheops around 2700 BC as royal tombs in ancient Egypt
(stock market) a series of transactions in which the speculator increases his holdings by using the rising market value of those holdings as margin for further purchases
a polyhedron having a polygonal base and triangular sides with a common vertex
increase rapidly and progressively step by step on a broad base
arrange or build up as if on the base of a pyramid
use or deal in (as of stock or commercial transaction) in a pyramid deal
enlarge one's holdings on an exchange on a continued rise by using paper profits as margin to buy additional amounts
furnish with a preface or introduction; "She always precedes her lectures with a joke"; "He prefaced his lecture with a critical remark about the institution"
move ahead (of others) in time or space
be the predecessor of; "Bill preceded John in the long line of Susan's husbands"
come before; "Most English adjectives precede the noun they modify"