Exact Match:
- effectiveness
- power to be effective; the quality of being able to bring about an effect
- acme,
- amperage,
- applicability,
- armipotence,
- authority,
- authorization,
- availability,
- be-all and end-all,
- beef,
- bite,
- bitingness,
- black power,
- blue ribbon,
- brute force,
- capability,
- championship,
- charge,
- charisma,
- clout,
- cogence,
- cogency,
- command,
- compulsion,
- control,
- cuttingness,
- dint,
- directorship,
- dominion,
- drive,
- duress,
- effect,
- effectuality,
- efficacy,
- efficiency,
- energy,
- first place,
- first prize,
- flower power,
- force,
- force majeure,
- forcefulness,
- full blast,
- full force,
- functionality,
- guts,
- headship,
- hegemony,
- height,
- helpfulness,
- highest,
- imperium,
- impressiveness,
- incisiveness,
- influence,
- jurisdiction,
- kingship,
- leadership,
- lordship,
- main force,
- main strength,
- mana,
- management,
- mastership,
- mastery,
- maximum,
- might,
- might and main,
- mightiness,
- mordancy,
- most,
- moxie,
- muscle power,
- ne plus ultra,
- nervosity,
- nervousness,
- new high,
- operability,
- palms,
- paramountcy,
- performance,
- pizzazz,
- poignancy,
- poop,
- potence,
- potency,
- potentiality,
- power,
- power pack,
- power structure,
- power struggle,
- powerfulness,
- practicability,
- practical utility,
- practicality,
- prepotency,
- presidency,
- primacy,
- productiveness,
- productivity,
- profitability,
- puissance,
- pull,
- punch,
- push,
- record,
- rule,
- say,
- serviceability,
- sinew,
- sinewiness,
- sovereignty,
- steam,
- strength,
- strong arm,
- strong language,
- superiority,
- superpower,
- supremacy,
- sway,
- top spot,
- trenchancy,
- usability,
- use,
- usefulness,
- utility,
- utilizability,
- validity,
- vehemence,
- verve,
- vigor,
- vigorousness,
- vim,
- virility,
- virtue,
- virulence,
- vitality,
- wattage,
- weight,
- zenith