Exact Match:
- element
- the most favorable environment for a plant or animal; "water is the element of fishes"
- a straight line that generates a cylinder or cone
- the situation in which you are happiest and most effective; "in your element"
- one of four substances thought in ancient and medieval cosmology to constitute the physical universe; "the alchemists believed that there were four elements"
- acid,
- acidity,
- addend,
- adjunct,
- agent,
- air,
- alkali,
- alkalinity,
- alloisomer,
- americium,
- anion,
- antacid,
- antecedents,
- antilogarithm,
- appurtenance,
- argument,
- article,
- aspect,
- astatine,
- atmosphere,
- atom,
- atomic particles,
- autecology,
- base,
- basic,
- basics,
- basis,
- berkelium,
- binomial,
- biochemical,
- bioecology,
- bionomics,
- brute matter,
- building block,
- burner,
- caliduct,
- call,
- case,
- cation,
- causation,
- cause,
- cause and effect,
- characteristic,
- chemical,
- chemical element,
- chromoisomer,
- circumstance,
- coefficient,
- combination,
- complement,
- component,
- compound,
- congruence,
- constant,
- constituent,
- contents,
- cooker,
- cookery,
- copolymer,
- cosine,
- cotangent,
- count,
- cube,
- curium,
- datum,
- decimal,
- denominator,
- derivative,
- detail,
- determinant,
- determinative,
- difference,
- differential,
- dimer,
- discriminate,
- dividend,
- divisor,
- domain,
- e,
- earth,
- ecoclimate,
- ecodeme,
- ecology,
- ecosystem,
- einsteinium,
- elementary particle,
- elementary unit,
- elements,
- environment,
- equation,
- essential,
- essentials,
- etiology,
- exponent,
- exponential,
- facet,
- fact,
- factor,
- feature,
- fermium,
- fire,
- fixings,
- formula,
- francium,
- function,
- fundamental,
- fundamental particle,
- fundamentals,
- furnace,
- gas jet,
- ground,
- grounds,
- habitat,
- hahnium,
- heater,
- heating duct,
- heavy chemicals,
- high polymer,
- homopolymer,
- hydracid,
- hyle,
- hypostasis,
- i,
- incidental,
- increment,
- index,
- ingredient,
- inorganic chemical,
- instance,
- integral,
- integrant,
- ion,
- isomer,
- item,
- jet,
- locale,
- macromolecule,
- makings,
- material,
- material world,
- materiality,
- matrix,
- matter,
- medium,
- mendelevium,
- metamer,
- minor detail,
- minuend,
- minutia,
- minutiae,
- molecule,
- monad,
- monomer,
- multiple,
- multiplier,
- natural world,
- nature,
- neptunium,
- neutralizer,
- nonacid,
- norm,
- numerator,
- occasion,
- organic chemical,
- oxyacid,
- parameter,
- part,
- part and parcel,
- particular,
- permutation,
- physical world,
- pi,
- piece,
- pilot light,
- plenum,
- plutonium,
- point,
- polonium,
- polymer,
- polynomial,
- power,
- principle,
- principles,
- promethium,
- protactinium,
- pseudoisomer,
- quaternion,
- quotient,
- radical,
- radium,
- radix,
- radon,
- reagent,
- reciprocal,
- regard,
- remainder,
- respect,
- root,
- rudiments,
- secant,
- segment,
- sine,
- situation,
- specialty,
- sphere,
- steam pipe,
- stimulus,
- stove,
- stuff,
- submultiple,
- substance,
- substratum,
- subtrahend,
- sulfacid,
- synecology,
- tangent,
- technetium,
- tensor,
- territory,
- tewel,
- the four elements,
- thing,
- trimer,
- tuyere,
- unit,
- unit of being,
- uranium,
- variable,
- vector,
- versine,
- warmer,
- water